No subject JIgnacio at
Thu Jun 27 11:03:54 EDT 1996

  Tutorials will be in Spanish. Check off one tutorial for each
  period of time. Tutorials will be available in case that at least 10 persons
  register for that tutorial.
  Wednesday, July 10, 1996 
  9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  __ Descubrimiento de relaciones en grandes Bases de Datos: Aurora Perez
  (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) and Angela Ribeiro (Instituto de
  Automatica Industrial, CSIC)
  __ Prediccion dinamica: series temporales: David Rios
  (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)
  11:30 AM - 13:30 PM
  __ Aprendizaje inductivo aplicado a la medicina: Cesar Montes
  (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)
  __ Tecnicas de Inteligencia Artificial aplicadas a las finanzas: Ignacio
  Olmeda (Universidad de Alcala de Henares)
  15:00 PM - 17:00 PM
  __ Analisis estadistico de datos: Jacinto Gonzalez Pachon 
  (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)
  __ Programacion Genetica en problemas de control: Javier Segovia (Universidad
  Politecnica de Madrid)
  		Preliminary Workshop Schedule
  		Thursday, July 11, 1996
  9:30  Registration
  10:00 General presentation
  10:10 Invited Talk: Manuela Veloso (Carnegie Mellon University)
  11:30 Coffee Break
  11:45 Session on Mathematical and Integrated Approaches
  	- "Nonparametric Estimation of Fully Nonlinear Models for Assets
  	  Returns", Ignacio Olmeda and Eugenio Fernandez
  	- "Representation Changes in Combinatorial Problems: Pigeonhole
  	  Principle versus Integer Programming Relaxation", Yury V. Smirnov
  	  and Manuela M. Veloso
  	- "Integrating Reasoning Information to Domain Knowledge in the Neural
  	  Learning Process", Saida Benlarbi and Kacem Zeroual
  	- "Parameter Optimization in ART2 Neural Network, using Genetic
  	  Algorithms", Enrique Muro
  1:15  Lunch
  2:15  Invited Talk: Esther Ruiz (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
  3:30  Session on Genetic Algorithms and Programming Approaches
  	- "Automatic Generation of Turing Machines by a Genetic Approach",
  	  Julio Tanomaru and Akio Azuma
  	- "GAGS, a Flexible Object Oriented Library for Evolutionary
  	  Computation", J.J. Merelo and A. Prieto
  	- "An Application of Genetic Algorithms and Heuristic Techniques in
  	  Scheduling", Celia Gutierrez, Jose M. Lazaro and Joseba Zubia
  	- "Classifiers Systems for Learning Reactions in Robotic Systems",
  	  Araceli Sanchis, Jose M. Molina and Pedro Isasi
  	- "A Comparison of Forecast Accuracy between Genetic Programming and
  	  other Forecastors: A Loss-Differential Approach", Shu-Heng Chen and
  	  Chia-Hsuan Yeh
  		Friday, July 12, 1996
  10:00 Invited Talk: Juan J. Merelo (Universidad de Granada)
  11:30 Coffee Break
  11:45 Session on Neural Network Approaches
  	- "Factor Analysis in Social Science: An Artificial Neural Network
  	  Perspective", Rafael Calvo
  	- "Neural Network Forecast of Intraday Futures and Cash Returns",
  	  Pedro Isasi, Ignacio Olmeda, Eugenio Fernandez and Camino Fernandez
  	- "Self-Organizing Feature Maps for Location and Scheduling",
  	  S. Lozano, F. Guerrero, J. Larra~neta and L. Onieva
  	- "A Neural Network Hierarchical Model for Speech Recognition based
  	  on Biological Plausability", J.M. Ferrandez, D. del Valle,
  	  V. Rodellar and P. Gomez
  1:15  Lunch
  2:15  Invited Talk: Alicia Perez (Boston College)
  3:30   Session on Symbolic Machine Learning Approaches
  	- "Statistical Variable Interaction: Focusing Multiobjective
  	  Optimization in Machine Learning", Eduardo Perez and Larry Rendell
  	- "A Multi-Agent Model for Decision Making and Learning",
  	  Jose I. Giraldez and Daniel Borrajo
  	- "An Approximation to Generic Knowledge Discovery in Database
  	  Systems", Aurora Perez and Angela Ribeiro
  	- "Learning to Forecast by Explaining the Consequences of Actions",
  	  Tristan Cazenave
  	- "Basic Computational Processes in Machine Learning",
  	  Jesus G. Boticario and Jose Mira
  5:15  Panel
  			Workshop Fees
  Workshop fees are:
  			Paid before June 30	Paid after June 30
                          -------------------     ------------------
  Regular rate		     25.000 pts.		35.000 pts.
  Speakers rate		     15.000 pts.		25.000 pts.
  Students rate		      5.000 pts.		10.000 pts.
  Carlos III members	      2.000 pts.		 5.000 pts.
  The workshop fee includes a copy of the proceedings, coffee breaks, and
  Thursday and Friday lunches. Students must send legible proof of full-time
  student status.
  Tutorial fees are:
  			Paid before June 30	Paid after June 30
                          -------------------     ------------------
  Regular rate		     30.000 pts.		40.000 pts.
  University rate		     15.000 pts.		20.000 pts.
  Students rate		      2.500 pts.		 5.000 pts.
  Carlos III members	      2.000 pts.		 3.000 pts.
  The tutorials fee includes the assistance to three non-parallel tutorials,
  documentation, and coffee breaks.
  Please, send the completed application form to:
  	- by email: dborrajo at, or isasi at
  	- by airmail:
  		Attention D. Borrajo/P. Isasi
  		Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  	        c/ Butarque, 15
  		28911 Leganes, Madrid. Spain
  			Registration Form
  Last name:__________________________________________________________________
  First name:_________________________________________________________________
  Phone (include country and area code):______________________________________
  Fax (include country and area code):________________________________________
  		Workshop fee:_________
  		Tutorial fee:_________
  		(please indicate which three tutorials do you wish to attend)
  		Total amount:_________
  Send a check made payable to "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid" or
  electronic funds transfer to:
  	Account holder name: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  	Bank: Caja de Madrid
  	Branch address: c/ Juan de la Cierva s/n, Getafe
  	Bank code: 2038
  	Branch number: 2452
  	Account number: 6000085134
  	Control Digit: 05
  In the case of a transfer, please indicate that it is code 396
  (Inscripciones de Malfo96) and send us a copy of the receipt.
  No refunds will be made; however, we will transfer your 
  registration to a person you designate upon notification.  

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