Exploring the Space of CA

Howard A. Gutowitz hag at santafe.edu
Mon Dec 18 21:22:57 EST 1995


"Exploring the Space of Cellular Automata"

Cellular automata can be thought of  as a
restricted kind of neural net, in which the
cells take on only a finite set of values,
and connections are local and regular.
This is set of interactive web pages designed to help
you learn about CA, and the use of the lambda
parameter to find critical regions in the space of


    Concept: Chris Langton 
    CA simulation program: Patrick Hayden. 
    cgi interface: Eric Carr. 
    Text: Chris Langton , Howard Gutowitz, and Eric Carr. 

Available from: http://alife.santafe.edu/alife/topics/ca/caweb 

Howard Gutowitz                |   hag at neurones.espci.fr
ESPCI                          |   http://www.santafe.edu/~hag
Laboratoire d'Electronique     |   home:   (331) 4707-3843
10 rue Vauquelin               |   office: (331) 4079-4697
75005 Paris, France            |   fax:    (331) 4079-4425 

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