Postdoc Position in Neural Modeling

Theresa theresa at umiacs.UMD.EDU
Mon Dec 4 10:13:47 EST 1995

The University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS)
invites applications for post doctoral positions, beginning summer/fall '96
in the following areas:  Real-time Video Indexing, Natural Language Processing,
and Neural Modeling.  Exceptionally strong candidates from other areas will
also be considered.

UMIACS, a state-supported research unit, has been the focal point for 
interdisciplinary and applications-oriented research activities in computing
on the College Park campus.  The Institute's 40 faculty members conduct
research in high performance computing, software engineering, artificial
intelligence, systems, combinatorial algorithms, scientific computing, and
computer vision.

Qualified applicants should send a 1 page statement of research interest,
curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of 3 references to:

	Prof. Joseph Ja'Ja'
 	A.V. Williams Building
	University of Maryland
	College Park, MD 20742

by April 1.  UMIACS strongly encourages applications from minorities and

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