gacv-paper available-deg.fdm.sig

Grace Wahba wahba at
Wed Sep 21 16:30:01 EDT 1994

The following paper is available by ftp in the 
ftp directory in the 

A Generalized Approximate Cross Validation for 
Smoothing Splines with  Non-Gaussian Data
    Dong Xiang and Grace Wahba

We consider the model 
   Prob {Y_i= 1} = exp{f(t_i}/(1+exp{f(t_i})
   Prob {Y_i =0} = 1/(1+exp{f(t_i)}

where t is a vector of predictor variables, t_i 
is the vector of predictor variables for the i th 
subject/patient/instance  and Y_i is the outcome 
(classification) for the i th subject. f(\cdot) is 
supposed to be a `smooth' function of t, and the 
goal is to estimate f by choosing f in an appropriate
class of functions to minimize 

     Log likelihood {Y_1, ...Y_n|f} + \lambda J(f)

where J{f} is a an appropriate penalty functional which 
restricts the degrees of freedom for signal attributed to f.
Our results concentrate on J(f) a `smoothness' penalty 
which results in spline and related (e. g. rbf) estimates.

We propose a Generalized Approximate Cross Validation
score (GACV) for estimating $\lambda$ (internally) from 
a relatively small data set. The GACV score is derived 
by first obtaining an approximation to the 
leaving-out-one cross validation function and
then, in a step reminiscent of that used to get from 
leaving-out-one cross validation to GCV in the Gaussian 
data case, we replace diagonal elements of certain matrices 
by $\frac{1}{n}$ times the trace. A numerical simulation with 
`data' Y_i, i = 1,2..., n generated from an hypothesized 
`true' f is used to compare the $\lambda$ chosen by minimizing
this GACV score with the $\lambda$ chosen from two often used
algorithms based on the generalized cross validation 
procedure (O'Sullivan {\em et al} 1986, Gu, 1990, 1992). 
In the examples here, the GACV estimate produces a better fit 
to the true f in terms of minimizing the Kullback-Liebler 
distance of the estimate of f  from the true f.
Figures suggest that the GACV may be an approximately 
unbiased estimate of the Kullback-Leibler distance of 
the estimate to the true f, however, a theoretical 
proof is yet to be found. The work of Wong (1992) suggests 
that an exact unbiased estimate does not exist in the 
{0,1} data case. The present  work is related to 
Moody(1991), The effective number of parameters: An analysis
of generalization and regularization in nonlinear 
learning systems, and Liu(199), Unbiased estimate of 
generalization error and model selection in neural 

University of Wisconsin-Madison Statistics Department TR 930
September, 1994

Keywords: Generalized Approximate Cross Validation, 
smoothing spline, penalized likelihood, generalized
cross validation, Kullback-Leibler distance.

Other papers of potential interest for supervised 
machine learning in the directory
are in the files: (some previously announced)        
  Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  wahba at          xiang at

PS to Geoff Hinton- The database is a great idea!!

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