Special issue of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Neurocomputing

Michael Egmont-Petersen #Alwd# michael at imib.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Oct 28 04:18:53 EDT 1994

Special issue: Neural computing in medicine

October 1994 Volume 6 Number 5


Neural computing in medicine
     N. Ezquerra, A. Pazos


On the quality of neural net classifiers
     M. Egmont-Petersen, J.L. Talmon, J. Brender and P. McNair

A neural model of cortical map reorganization following a focal lesion
     S.L. Armentrout, J.A. Reggia and M. Weinrich

Identifying the measurement noise in glaucomatous testing: An artificial 
neural network approach
     X. Liu, G. Cheng and J.X. Wu

On using feedforward neural networks for clinical diagnostic tasks
     G. Dorffner and G. Porenta

Removing the assumption of conditional independence from Bayesian decision 
models by using artificial neural networks: Some practical techniques and 
a case study
     Y.-C. Wu and D.H. Gustafson


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