thesis available (corrections)

Yoram Singer singer at CS.HUJI.AC.IL
Sun Oct 23 07:16:28 EDT 1994

1. The thesis "Unsupervised Learning of Cell Activities in the Associate
   Cortex of Behaving Monkeys, Using Hidden Markov Models" by Itay Gat was
   supervised by Dr. Naftali Tishby (Institute of Computer Science and
   Center for Neural Computation, Hebrew University) and Prof. Moshe Abeles
   (School of Medicine and Center for Neural Computation, Hebrew University).

2. Due to a major power breakdown the ftp server was down from
   Thursday afternoon to Sunday morning. The server is now up and operating.
   We apologize for the inconvenient.

Itay Gat & Yoram Singer
Institute of Computer Science
The Hebrew University, Israel

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