Paper available: HMMs and Comput. Biol.

Yves Chauvin yves at
Tue Oct 11 14:47:51 EDT 1994

The following paper,

"Hidden Markov Models of the G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Family",
to be published in the Journal of Computational Biology,

and the associated GPCR multiple alignment 

have been placed on ftp site.

Retrieval instructions are given below.  

Yves Chauvin
yves at


                         Hidden Markov Models of the
                     G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Family

                              Pierre Baldi 
                        Jet Propulsion Laboratory
                         and Division of Biology, 
                   California Institute of Technology
                           Pasadena, CA 91109

                              Yves Chauvin 
                              Net-ID, Inc.

Hidden Markov Model techniques are used to derive a new model of
the G-Protein-Coupled Receptor family. The transition and emission
parameters of the model are adjusted using a training set comprising
142 sequences. The resulting model is shown to perform well
on a number of tasks, including multiple alignments, discrimination, 
large data base searches, classification and fragment detection. 
General analytical results on the expectation and standard deviation 
of the likelihood of random sequences are also presented.


Retrieval instructions:

The paper is "".   
The multiple alignment is "".
Both are in gzip compressed postscript format.
To retrieve these files:

% ftp
Connected to
220 netcom FTP server (Version 2.0WU(10) [...] ready.
Name ( anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
ftp> cd pub/netid/papers
ftp> ls
ftp> binary
ftp> get <filename>
ftp> close

% gunzip <filename>

(The postcript file is large and old printers may not be able to print

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