Letter from Alan Lapedes

donna@Lanl.GOV donna at Lanl.GOV
Thu Jun 23 18:00:36 EDT 1994

                         (Postdoctoral and Tech)

Positions involving sequence analysis of DNA, RNA  and protein sequences, as
well as general aspects of computational biology, are available at Los Alamos
National Laboratory. Depending on funds, we will have a limited number of

(a) postdoctoral positions
(b) data entry, and elementary data analysis positions (techs)
(c) graduate student and summer student positions.

Funding for these positions is generally associated with specific grants,
and the successful applicant will generally be expected to work on specific
projects.  Projects range from analysis of HIV and human papilloma virus 
sequences, to immune system studies, to more general aspects of computational
biology involving evolution, and sequence-structure-function relationships.
Exceptionally well qualified candidates who are interested in theoretical and
computational investigations related to the just mentioned topics, and with 
expertise in one or more of the following areas are encouraged to apply:

(a) immunology
(b) virology
(c) sequence analysis
(d) statistical analysis
(e) neural net/pattern recognition analysis
(f) programming skills (C language)
(g) computational biology
(h) structural biology

Candidates may contact the following address:

email: donna at lanl.gov

post:  Donna Spitzmiller
       MS B213
       Theoretical Division
       Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

voice: 505-665-3209

FAX:   505-665-3003

for application material. Questions concerning specific positions should
be sent to the same address and will be distributed to appropriate staff
members for reply.

Please indicate in your initial inquiry whether you are interested in a
student, tech, or postdoctoral position. Candidates for tech positions can
not have a Ph.D. degree. Candidates for postdoctoral positions  must have
completed their Ph.D. within the last three years.

Los Alamos National Laboratory is an equal opportunity employer.

Thank you,

Alan Lapedes
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545

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