Neural Computing Applications Forum

bishopc bishopc at
Wed Jun 8 14:53:15 EDT 1994



The Neural Computing Applications Forum (NCAF) was formed in 1990
and has since come to provide the principal mechanism for exchange
of ideas and information between academics and industrialists in 
the UK on all aspects of neural networks and their practical 
applications. NCAF organises four 2-day conferences each year, 
which are attended by around 100 participants. It has its own 
international journal `Neural Computing and Applications' which is 
published quarterly by Springer-Verlag, and it produces a quarterly 
newsletter `Networks'. 

Forthcoming conferences will be held at Oxford University (30 June 
and 1 July, 1994), Aston University (14 and 15 September, 1994) and 
London (11 and 12 January, 1995). The programme for the Oxford 
conference is given below. 

Annual membership rates (Pounds Stirling): 

  Company:     250
  Individual:  140
  Student:      55

Membership includes free registration at all four annual 
conferences, a subscription to the journal `Neural Computing 
and Applications', and a subscription to `Networks'.

For further information: 
   Tel: +44 (0)784 477271
   Fax: +44 (0)784 472879
   email: c.m.bishop at

Chris M Bishop

(Chairman, NCAF)


                     NCAF Two-Day Conference:


                      30 June and 1 July 1994

                     St Hugh's College, Oxford

30 June 1994

Tutorial: Bayes for Beginners 
   (An introduction to Bayesian methods for neural networks) 
   Chris M Bishop, Aston University

Invited Talk: Medical Applications of Neural Networks
   Lionel Tarassenko, Oxford University

Workshop: Key Issues in the Application of Neural Networks
   Discussion leaders: Lionel Tarassenko, Oxford University
                       Steve Roberts, Oxford University
                       Andy Wright, British Aerospace
                       Peter Cowley, Rolls Royce

Invited Talk: 
   Is Statistics Plus Neural Networks More Than the Sum of its Parts?
   Brian Ripley, Oxford University

1 July 1994

Solving Literary Mysteries using Neural Computation
   Robert Matthews, Aston University

Water Quality Monitoring
   Peter Smith, Loughborough University

Intelligent Hybrid Systems
   Suram Goonatilake, University College London

Alarm Monitoring in Intensive Care
   Lorraine Dodd, Neural Solutions

Applying Neural Networks to Machine Health Monitoring
   Peter Smith, Sunderland University

Fault Diagnosis on Telephone Networks
   Andy Chaskell, British Telecom

A Learning System for Visual Tracking of Object Motion
   Andrew Blake, Oxford University

Modelling Conditional Distributions
   Chris Bishop, Aston University

Neural Networks for Spacecraft Control
   Andy Wright, British Aerospace

Neural Networks for Speaker Recognition
   Steve Frederikson, Oxford University


  Professor Chris M Bishop           Tel. +44 (0)21 359 3611 x4270
  Neural Computing Research Group    Fax. +44 (0)21 333 6215
  Dept. of Computer Science          c.m.bishop at
  Aston University               
  Birmingham B4 7ET, UK


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