Sixth Australian Conference on Neural Networks

Michael Usher miku at
Tue Aug 23 03:02:45 EDT 1994

For those people putting the finishing touches to their submissions,
the Author's Style Guidelines are now available via the World Wide Web.
LaTeX style information can be found at URL:

The conference programme and registration details will also be placed there,
when they become available.

Further queries about ACNN'95 should be directed to <acnn95 at>.
Problems with the WWW server should be directed to myself.

Michael Usher
Michael Usher		Systems Administrator
miku at	Systems Engineering & Design Automation Lab (SEDAL)
Tel: +61 2 692 4135	Department of Electrical Engineering, Building J03
Fax: +61 2 660 1228	University of Sydney, NSW 2006, AUSTRALIA

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