CFP: SPIE Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks VI

Dennis W. Ruck druck at
Wed Aug 10 15:40:12 EDT 1994

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

                       SPIE Conference on
  Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks VI

	                Orlando, Florida
		        17-21 April 1995    

You are invited to submit a paper to the SPIE conference Applications and  
Science of Artificial Neural Networks VI. This conference will be held in  
conjunction with nearly 40 other conferences on topics in object recognition,  
aerospace sensing, and photonics. See below for a complete list. 

              Announcement and Call for Papers
  Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks VI
Conference Chairs: Steven K. Rogers, Dennis W. Ruck, Air Force
Institute of Technology

Program Committee: Stanley C. Ahalt, The Ohio State Univ.; James C.
Bezdek, Univ. of West Florida; Joe R. Brown, Microelectronics and
Computer Technology Corp.; Lee A. Feldkamp, Ford Motor Co.; Michael
Georgiopoulos, Univ. of Central Florida; Joydeep Ghosh, Univ. of
Texas/Austin; Charles W. Glover, Oak Ridge National Lab.; John B.
Hampshire, II, Jet Propulsion Lab.; Richard P. Lippmann, MIT
Lincoln Lab.; Harley R. Myler, Univ. of Central Florida; Mary Lou
Padgett, Auburn Univ.; Kevin L. Priddy, Accurate Automation Corp.;
Gintaras V. Puskorius, Ford Motor Co.;
Donald F. Specht, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Lab.; Gregory L.
Tarr, Air Force Phillips Lab.; Gary Whittington, Univ. of Aberdeen
(UK); Rodney G. Winter, Dept. of Defense

The focus of this conference is on real-world applications of artificial neural  
networks and on recent theoretical developments applicable to current  
applications. The goal of this conference is to provide a forum for interaction  
between researchers and industrial/government agencies with information  
processing requirements. Papers that investigate advantages/disadvantages of  
artificial neural networks in specific real-world applications will be  
presented. Papers that clearly state existing problems in information  
processing that could potentially be solved by artificial neural networks will  
also be considered.

Sessions will concentrate on:

* innovative applications of artificial neural networks to solve
  real-world problems
* comparative performance in applications of target recognition,
  object recognition, speech processing, speaker identification,
  cochannel processing, signal processing in realistic
  environments, robotics, process control, and image processing
* demonstrations of properties and limitations of existing or new
  artificial neural networks as shown by or related to an
* environments for artificial neural networks development and
  implementation with specific applications used to demonstrate
  features of the systems
* hardware implementation technologies that are general purpose or
  application specific
* knowledge acquisition and representation
* biologically inspired visual representation techniques
* decision support systems
* artificial life
* cognitive science
* hybrid systems (fuzzy, neural, genetic)
* neurobiology
* optimization
* sensation and perception
* system identification
* financial applications
* time series analysis and prediction
* pattern recognition
* medical applications
* intelligent control
* robotics.

                    List of Conferences

The following conferences will all be held in Orlando, Florida 17-21 April 1995  
at the Marriott Orlando World Center:

  1.  Public Safety/Law Enforcement Technology
  2.  Photonics for Space Environments III
  3.  Space Environmental, Legal, and Safety Issues
  4.  Imaging Spectrometry
  5.  Commercialization of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
      for Dual-Use Applications
  6.  Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy
  7.  Spaceborne Interferometry II
  8.  Space Telescopes and Instruments III
  9.  Fiber Optics in Astronomical Applictions
 10.  Telescope Control Systems
 11.  Distributed Interactive Simulation (Critical Reviews)
 12.  Helmet- and Head-Mounted Displays and Symbology Design
      Requirements II
 13.  Cockpit Displays II
 14.  Space Guidance, Control, and Tracking II
 15.  Synthetic Vision for Vehicle Guidance and Control
 16.  Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing IX
 17.  Applied Laser Radar Technology II
 18.  Air Traffic Control Technologies
 19.  Technologies for Advanced Land Combat (Critical Reviews)
      Part I: Rapid Force Projection Initiative
      Part II: Advanced Vehicle Technologies
      Part III: Information Sciences for Digitizing the Battlefield
 20.  Detection Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets
 21.  Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation
 22.  Atmospheric Propagation and Remote Sensing IV
 23.  Tactical Control Technologies
 24.  Test and Evaluation of Defense-Related Infrared Detectors
      and Arrays
 25.  Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling,
      and Testing VI
 26.  Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition IV
 27.  Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery II
 28.  Integration Photogrammetric Techniques with Scene Analysis
      and Machine Vision II
 29.  Automatic Object Recognition V
 30.  Smart Infrared Focal Plane Arrays and Technology
 31.  Transition of Optical Processors into Systems 1995
 32.  Optical Pattern Recognition VI
 33.  Visual Information Processing IV
 34.  Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks VI
 35.  Applications of Fuzzy Logic Technology II
 36.  Thermosense XVII: An International Conference on Thermal
      Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic Applications
 37.  Flat Panel Displays for Defense Applications
      (Critical Reviews)
 38.  Digital Signal Processing Technology (Critical Reviews)

                    General Information
SPIE's International Symposium on
Aerospace/Defense Sensing and Dual-Use Photonics
17-21 April 1995
Marriott's Orlando World Center
Resort and Convention Center
Orlando, Florida USA

SPIE's 1995 Aerospace/Defense Sensing and Dual-Use Photonics
Symposium will be held at:
Marriott's Orlando World Center Hotel
8701 World Center Drive
Orlando, Florida 32821-6398
Phone: 407/239-4200 or 800/621-0638 (outside Florida)
Fax: 407/239-5958

SPIE will reserve a block of rooms for attendees at the Marriott
Orlando World Center Hotel. Room rates at the Marriott will be $129
single and $142 double plus tax. Alternate hotels in the immediate
area will also be available. Information concerning hotels and
prices will be announced in the advance program.

Advance Technical Program
The comprehensive Advance Technical Program for this symposium will
list conferences, paper titles and authors in order of
presentation, educational short courses schedule including course
descriptions and instructor biographies, and an outline of all
planned special events. Call SPIE at 206/676-3290 (Pacific Time) to
request that a copy be sent to you when it becomes available in
January 1995.

Conference Registration
The following registration fees for SPIE's International Symposium
on Aerospace/Defense Sensing and Dual-Use Photonics are preliminary
and included to assist you in planning.

Conference Fees without Proceedings       Member      Nonmember
  Attendee Full Conference.................$360.........$420
  One day...................................160..........190
  Author Full Conference*...................325..........385
  Author One Day*...........................160..........190

* Author fee includes a proceedings

Short Course Fees

                              Member    Nonmember
Half-day course (3.5 hr).......$145.......$170
Full-day course (6.5 hr)........265........310
Two-day course (12 hr)..........485........570

Florida sales tax will be added to short course fees.

How to Contact SPIE
If you have further questions, or need assistance, please send a
message to info-optolink-service at You will receive a
response from an SPIE staff member.

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Keep in touch with the dynamic world of optics and optoelectronics
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* Voting privileges
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* Full member discounts (~15%) on SPIE conferences and short
* Discounts on publications from other publishers as available
* Member rates for SPIE-cosponsored technical events

$85 in North America/$95 outside North America (Student Memberships
and Associate Student Memberships available at reduced rates.)

Working Group Membership
Working Groups are interactive networks that foster professional
contacts and information flow among technically related
individuals, groups, companies, and institutions in specific areas
of technology.

Individual Membership ($15) Group Memberships and Corporate
Memberships are available. Contact SPIE for complete list of
working groups and benefits.


              Abstract Due Date:  19 September 1994
    On-Site Proceedings Manuscript Due Date:  23 January 1995

       Manuscript due date for on-site proceedings must be
                      strictly observed.

For a complete text of the Announcement and Call for Papers for
SPIE's International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing and
Dual-Use Photonics, contact SPIE at either the European Office, or
International Headquarters addresses below.

Contact addresses:
SPIE in Europe:
  SPIE European Office
  P.O. Box 4463
  N-5028 Bergen, Norway
  Phone: 47 55 54 37 84
  Fax: 47 55 96 21 75
  E-mail: spie at

SPIE International Headquarters
  P.O. Box 10
  Bellingham, WA  98227-0010 USA
  Phone: 206/676-3290
  Fax:  206/647-1445
  E-mail: spie at
  World Wide Web URL:

SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering

SPIE is a nonprofit society dedicated to advancing engineering and
scientific applications of optical, electro-optical, and
optoelectronic instrumentation, systems, and technology. Its
members are scientists, engineers, and users interested in the
reduction to practice of these technologies. SPIE provides the
means for communicating new developments and applications to the
scientific, engineering, and user communities through its
publications, symposia, and short courses.

SPIE is dedicated to bringing you quality electronic media and
online services.

Dennis W. Ruck               Air Force Institute of Technology
d.ruck at              Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
AFIT/ENG, Bldg 642, 2950 P ST, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7765
Ph. (513) 255-6565 ext. 4285   Fax (513) 476-4055

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