Call for Papers: COLT'94

Ming Li mli at
Wed Sep 29 23:26:18 EDT 1993

                   CALL FOR PAPERS---COLT 94
                   Seventh ACM Conference on
                 Computational Learning Theory

                   New Brunswick, New Jersey
                       July 12--15, 1994

The Seventh ACM Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT
94)  will  be  held  at  the  New  Brunswick  campus  of  Rutgers
University from Tuesday, July 12, through Friday, July 15,  1994.
The conference will be co-located with the Eleventh International
Conference on Machine Learning (ML 94), which will be  held  from
Sunday,   July  10,  through  Wednesday,  July  13.  So  the  two
conferences overlap on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The COLT 94 conference is sponsored jointly by  the  ACM  Special
Interest  Groups  for  Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT)
and Artificial Intelligence (SIGART).

We invite papers  in  all  areas  that  relate  directly  to  the
analysis  of  learning  algorithms  and  the  theory  of  machine
learning, including artificial and  biological  neural  networks,
robotics,  pattern  recognition, inductive inference, information
theory, decision  theory,  Bayesian/MDL  estimation,  statistical
physics,   and   cryptography.  We  look  forward  to  a  lively,
interdisciplinary meeting.  In particular we expect some fruitful
interaction   between   the   research  communities  of  the  two
overlapping conferences.  There will be a number of joint invited
talks.   Prof. Michael Jordan from MIT will be one of the invited
speakers; the others will be announced at a later date.

Abstract  Submission:  Authors  should   submit   twelve   copies
(preferably  two-sided  copies)  of  an  extended  abstract to be
received by Thursday, February 3, 1994, to

                   Manfred Warmuth - COLT 94
                      225 Applied Sciences
                 Department of Computer Science
                    University of California
                  Santa Cruz, California 95064

An  abstract  must  be     received   by  February  3,  1994  (or
postmarked  January  23  and  sent  airmail,  or  sent  overnight
delivery on February 2). This deadline is FIRM!  Papers that have
appeared  in  journals  or  other  conferences, or that are being
submitted  to  other  conferences,  are   not   appropriate   for
submission to COLT.

Abstract Format: The abstract should consist of a cover page with
title,  authors'  names,  postal and e-mail addresses, and a 200-
word summary. The body of the abstract should be no  longer  than
10  pages  with  roughly  35 lines/page in 12-point font.  Papers
deviating significantly from this length constraint will  not  be
considered.   The  body  should include a clear definition of the
theoretical model used, an overview  of  the  results,  and  some
discussion  of  their significance, including comparison to other
work.  Proofs  or  proof  sketches  should  be  included  in  the
technical  section.   Experimental  results  are welcome, but are
expected to be supported by theoretical analysis.

Notification: Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection
by  a  letter  mailed on or before Monday, April 4, with possible
earlier notification via e-mail. Final camera-ready  papers  will
be due on Tuesday, May 3.

Program  Format:  Depending  on  submissions,  and  in  order  to
accommodate  a  broad  variety  of  papers, the final program may
consist of both "long" talks, and "short" talks, corresponding to
longer  and  shorter  papers  in the proceedings. The short talks
will also be coupled with a poster presentation in special poster
sessions.  By  default,  all  papers  will be considered for both
categories. Authors who do  *not* want  their  papers  considered
for  the  short  category  should indicate that fact in the cover
letter. The cover letter should also specify the  contact  author
and give his/her e-mail.

Program  Chair:  Manfred  Warmuth  (UC  Santa  Cruz,  e-mail   to
colt94 at

Conference and Local Arrangements Co-Chairs: Robert Schapire  and
Michael    Kearns    (AT&T    Bell    Laboratories,   e-mail   to
colt94 at

Program  Committee:  Shun'ichi  Amari  (U.  Tokyo),  Avrim   Blum
(Carnegie  Mellon),  Nader Bshouty (U. Calgary), Bill Gasarch (U.
Maryland), Tom Hancock (Siemens),  Michael  Kearns  (AT&T),  Sara
Solla  (Holmdel),  Prasad  Tadepalli  (Oregon  St.  U.),  Jeffrey
Vitter (Duke U.), Thomas Zeugmann (TU. Darmstadt).

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