Cellular Neural Networks mailing list

cells@tce.ing.uniroma1.it cells at tce.ing.uniroma1.it
Thu Nov 25 14:54:50 EST 1993

       *             ANNOUNCING A NEW MAILING LIST ON             *       
       *                 CELLULAR NEURAL NETWORKS:                *       
       *                 cells at tce.ing.uniroma1.it                *       

     Cellular Neural Networks (CNN) are continuous-time dynamical systems, 
consisting of a grid of processing elements (neurons, or cells)  connected 
only to neighbors  within  a  given  (typically  small)  distance.  It  is 
therefore a class of recurrent neural networks, whose particular  topology 
is most suited for integrated  circuit  realization.  In  fact,  while  in 
typical realizations of other neural systems most of silicon area is taken 
by connections, in this case  connection  area  is  neglectible,  so  that 
processor density can be much larger. 
     Since their first definition by L.O. Chua and L. Yang in  1988,  many 
applications were proposed, mainly in the field of  image  processing.  In 
most cases a space-invariant weight  pattern  is  used  (i.e.  weights are 
defined by a template, which  repeats  identically  for  all  cells),  and 
neurons are characterized by simple first order  dynamics.  However,  many 
different kinds of dynamics (e.g. oscillatory and chaotic) have also  been 
used for special purposes.
     A recent extension of the model is obtained by integrating the analog 
CNN with some simple logic components, leading to  the  realization  of  a 
universal programmable "analogic" machine.

Essential bibliography: 
1) L.O. Chua & L. Yang, "Cellular Neural Networks: Theory", IEEE Trans. on 
Circ. and Systems, CAS-35(10), p. 1257, 1988
2) -----, "Cellular Neural Networks: Applications", ibid., p. 1273
3) Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Cellular  Neural  Networks  and 
their Applications (CNNA-90), Budapest, Hungary, Dec. 16-19, 1990
4) Proc. of IEEE Second International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks 
and their Applications (CNNA-92), Munich, Germany, Oct. 14-16, 1992
5) International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol.20, no. 5
(1992), special issue on Cellular Neural Networks
6) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, parts I & II, vol.40, no.  3 
(1993), special issue on Cellular Neural Networks
7) T. Roska, L.O. Chua, "The CNN  Universal  Machine:  an  Analogic  Array 
Computer", IEEE Trans. on Circ. and Systems, II, 40(3), 1993, p. 163
8) V. Cimagalli, M. Balsi, "Cellular Neural Networks: a Review", Proc.  of
Sixth Italian Workshop on  Parallel  Architectures  and  Neural  Networks, 
Vietri sul Mare,  Italy,  May  12-14,  1993.  (E. Caianiello, ed.),  World  
Scientific,  Singapore.

     Our research group at "La Sapienza" University of  Rome,  Italy,  has 
been involved in CNN research for several years, and will host  next  IEEE 
International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their  Applications 
(CNNA-94), which will be held in Rome, December 18-21, 1994.

     We are now announcing the start of a new mailing  list  dedicated  to 
Cellular Neural Networks. It  will  give  the  opportunity  of  discussing 
current research, exchanging news, submitting  questions.  Due  to  memory 
shortage, we are currently not able to offer an archive service, and  hope 
that some other group will be able to volunteer for the  establishment  of 
this means of fast distribution of recent reports and papers.

     The list will not be moderated, at least as  long  as  the  necessity 
does not arise. 

to Marco Balsi (who will be supervising the functioning of  the  list)  at 
address mb at tce.ing.uniroma1.it  ( This  is  the  address  to 
which any communication not intended to go to all subscribers of the  list 
should be sent.  
	We would also appreciate  if  you  let  us  know  the  address  of
colleagues who might be interested in the list (rather than  just  forward 
the announcement directly), so that we can send them this announcement and
keep track of those that were contacted, avoiding duplications.

               cells at tce.ing.uniroma1.it  (                

        We hope that this service will encourage communication and  foster 
collaboration among researchers working on CNNs and related topics. 
        We are looking forward for your comments, and subscriptions to the  
                Prof. V. Cimagalli

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica
Universita' "La Sapienza" di Roma
via Eudossiana, 18, 00184 Roma Italy
fax: +39-6-4742647

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