Phil Goodman goodman at unr.edu
Mon Jul 12 18:59:14 EDT 1993

******************* Professional Position Announcement ******************


 .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - OVERVIEW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
 |                                                                      |
 |                          THE LOCATION:                               |
 |  Nevada's Reno/Lake Tahoe region is an outstanding environment for   |
 |  living, working, and raising a family. Winter skiing is world-class,|
 |  summer recreation includes many mountain and water sports, and      |
 |  historical exploration and cultural opportunities abound.           |
 |                                                                      |
 |                          THE PROJECT:                                |
 |  The new CENTER FOR BIOMEDICAL MODELING RESEARCH recently received   |
 |  federal funding to refine and apply a variety of artificial neural  |
 |  network algorithms to large cardiovascular health care databases.   |
 |                                                                      |
 |                          THE CHALLENGE:                              |
 |  The predictive performance of neural nets will be compared to       |
 |  advanced regression models. Other comparisons to be made include    |
 |  handling of missing and noisy data, and selection of important      |
 |  interactions among variables.                                       |
 |                                                                      |
 |                          THE JOB REQUIREMENT:                        |
 |  Masters-level or equivalent statistician with working knowledge     |
 |  of the SAS statistical package and the UNIX operating system.       |
 |                                                                      |
 |                          THE SALARY         :                        |
 |  Approximate starting annual salary: $42,000 + full benefits .       |
 |  (actual salary will depend on experience and qualifications)        |
 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

POSITION:       Research Statistics Coordinator for

LOCATION:       Center for Biomedical Modeling Research
                Department of Internal Medicine
                University of Nevada School of Medicine
                Washoe Medical Center, Reno, Nevada

START DATE:     September 1, 1993

CLOSING DATE:   Open until filled.

DESCRIPTION:    Duties include acquisition and translation of data
from multiple external national sources; data management and archiving;
performance of exploratory and advanced regression statistics;
performance of artificial neural network processing; participation
in scholarly research and publications.

QUALIFICATIONS: (1) M.S., M.A., M.P.H. or equivalent training in
statistics with experience in logistic and Cox regression analyses,
(2) ability to program in the SAS statistical language, and
(3) experience with UNIX computer operating systems. 
                Desirable but not mandatory are the abilities to use
(4) the S-PLUS data management system and (5) the C programming language.

SALARY:         Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
                (For example, with database experience, typical annual 
                 salary would be approximately $42,000 + full benefits.)

APPLICATION:    > Informal inquiry may be made to:

      Phil Goodman, Director, Center for Biomedical Modeling Research
      Internet: goodman at unr.edu       Phone: 702-328-4867

                > Formal consideration requires a letter of application,
                  vita, and names of three references sent to:

      Philip Goodman, MD, MS
      Director, Center for Biomedical Modeling Research
	University of Nevada School of Medicine
	Washoe Medical Center, Room H1-166
	77 Pringle Way, Reno, NV  89520

The University of Nevada is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran's status or handicap
in any program it operates. University of Nevada employs only U.S.
citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to work in the United States.


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