NIPS-5 papers: Nonlinear dimensionallity reduction / Inverse kinematics

David DeMers demers at
Sun Feb 21 13:45:24 EST 1993

Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction

David DeMers & Garrison Cottrell

A method for creating a non--linear encoder--decoder for 
multidimensional data with compact representations is presented.  
The commonly used technique of autoassociation is extended to 
allow non--linear representations, and an objective function which
penalizes activations of individual hidden units is
shown to result in minimum dimensional encodings with
respect to allowable error in reconstruction.


Global Regularization of Inverse Kinematics for Redundant Manipulators

David DeMers & Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado

The inverse kinematics problem for redundant manipulators is
ill--posed and nonlinear.  There are two fundamentally different 
issues which result in the need for some form of regularization;
the existence of multiple solution branches (global ill--posedness) 
and the existence of excess degrees of freedom (local ill--posedness).
For certain classes of manipulators, learning methods applied to 
input--output data generated from the forward function can be used to
globally regularize the problem by partitioning the domain of the 
forward mapping into a finite set of regions over which the inverse 
problem is well--posed.  Local regularization can be accomplished
by an appropriate parameterization of the redundancy consistently over  
each region.  As a result, the ill--posed problem can be transformed 
into a finite set of well--posed problems.  Each can then be
solved separately to construct approximate direct inverse functions.


Preprints are available from the neuroprose archive

Retrievable in the usual way:

unix> ftp (
login as "anonymous", password = <your-email-address>
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
ftp> get
ftp> get
ftp> bye
unix> uncompress demers.*.ps.Z 
unix> lpr -s
unix> lpr -s

(or however you print *LARGE* PostScript files)

These papers will appear in
S.J. Hanson, J.E. Moody & C.L. Giles, eds,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5
(Morgan Kaufmann, 1993).

Dave DeMers			 	        demers at
Computer Science & Engineering	0114		demers%cs at ucsd.bitnet
UC San Diego					...!ucsd!cs!demers
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114	(619) 534-0688, or -8187, FAX: (619) 534-7029

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