Preprint: Computational Models of the Neural Bases of Learning and Memory

Mark Gluck gluck at
Wed Feb 3 09:13:20 EST 1993

For (hard copy) preprints of the following article:

  Gluck, M. A. & Granger, R. C. (1993). Computational models of the neural
     bases of learning and memory. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 16: 667-706

ABSTRACT: Advances in computational analyses of parallel-processing
have made computer simulation of learning systems an increasingly useful tool
in understanding complex aggregate functional effects of changes in neural 
systems.  In this article, we review current efforts to develop computational
models of the neural bases of learning and memory, with a focus on the behavioral
implications of network-level characterizations of synaptic change in three
anatomical regions: olfactory (piriform) cortex, cerebellum, and the 
hippocampal formation.


Send US-mail address to: Mark Gluck (Center for Neuroscience, Rutgers-Newark)
                         gluck at

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