
Fri Apr 30 00:39:00 EDT 1993


Richmond VA Area SIG on NNs and NLDs Forming

An informal special interest group on neural and non-linear dynamical 
systems is forming, oriented to people in the Richmond and east/central 
Virginia area.  There is currently no organizational affiliation and what 
directions this group takes depends upon the response and participation 
of interested persons. 

The intent here is to bring together people who may otherwise be somewhat 
isolated by virtue of working in diverse industries or centers, academic 
or corporate, and who could benefit by reason of verbal and electronic 
exchanges.  My initial sense is that there is more going on in this part 
of the country and state than appears at first glance, and while Richmond 
may seem so close to Baltimore/Washington D.C. as a major technology arena, it 
really isn't. 

If you are interested, please contact me and we will see where this goes.
One idea is to have a monthly seminar with an invited talk; convenient 
facilities can be easily provided.

Martin Dudziak
Crestar Bank
(804) 782-5708
dudziak at

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