1993 World Congress on Neural Networks (Portland, Oregon, July 11-14)

mathiak@sysc.PDX.EDU mathiak at sysc.PDX.EDU
Tue Apr 20 00:27:57 EDT 1993

The World Congress on Neural Networks will be held in
Portland, Oregon, July 11-14, 1993 (Oregon Convention Center).

In this posting we provide:
  * the e-mail version of our registration form,
  * information about tutorials/sessions being planned,
    about housing and about WCNN'93 proceedings.
More detailed information about WCNN'93 will be sent with the
registration receipt. Quick information is available via e-mail
regarding housing, papers, registration, sessions and tutorials
at the following e-mail addresses:

   housing at wcnn93.ee.pdx.edu
   papers at wcnn93.ee.pdx.edu
   registration at wcnn93.ee.pdx.edu
   sessions at wcnn93.ee.pdx.edu
   tutorials at wcnn93.ee.pdx.edu .

We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!


Prof. George G. Lendaris          email: lendarisg at wcnn93.ee.pdx.edu
General Chair                     FAX:   (503) 725-4882
Portland State University
Portland, Oregon 97207

                                - 1 -

          World Congress on Neural Networks 1993, Portland 
                         REGISTRATION FORM

                     Reg. Fee   Reg. Fee   Reg. Fee
                     before     before     after
                     Jan 15,93  Jun 15,93  Jun 15, 93
INNS or Cooperating
Society Member       $175.00    $270.00    $350.00      $ ...........

  Society Member Number: ................... 

Non-Members          $275.00    $370.00    $450.00      $ ...........
(Includes 1993 INNS membership and 1 year subscription
 of the INNS journal Neural Networks)

Full-Time Student     $50.00     $75.00     $95.00      $ ...........
(Student registration and verification from department
 chairman required.)

Spouse/Guest          $50.00     $60.00     $70.00      $ ...........

                     TUTORIAL REGISTRATION
(Fee includes 4 tutorials, notes on all tutorials and lunch)
(Please circle 4 preferences, see list below:
 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K )

Members or
Non-Members          $225.00    $295.00    $345.00      $ ...........

Student               $50.00     $75.00     $95.00      $ ...........
(Student registration and verification from department
 chairman required.)
                                               TOTAL    $
Please print or type:

Name: ...............................................................
(As you would like to appear on badge)

Title: ........................ Organization: .......................
(As you would like to appear on badge)

Adress: .............................................................

City: ................... State: ..... Zip: ........ Country: .......

Bus.Tel: ....................... FAX: ...............................

Spouse/Guest Name (if fee paid): ....................................
(Complete only if paying the Spouse/Guest Registration fee -
 includes 2 receptions only)

                                  - 2 -

IMPORTANT: Please indicate any disability for special assistance


Unless the INNS is advised prior to the meeting of any special 
requirements, we cannot guarantee that service will be available.

Please complete this form and return it with check or money order to:

	  Attention: WCNN'93 Portland
                 Meeting Registration
                 875 Kings Highway, Suite 200
                 West Deptford, NJ 08096
                 Tel: (609) 845-1720
                 FAX: (609) 853-0411

Checks must made payable in US Dollars and issued by a US correspon-
dent bank. Each registrant is responsible for any bank charges. Check
with your local bank before processing payment.

Credit Card Information: .... I wish to pay for my fees by credit card.

Circle one:              Visa               Master Card

Account #: ............................ Expiration Date: ............

Signature: ..........................................................

Tutorials will be offered on Sunday, July 11, 1993. Each two
hour tutorial will be offered twice.
A. Cognitive Neuroscience (Robert Desimone)
B. Structural and Mathematical Approaches to Signal Processing (S.Y. Kung)
C. Adaptive Resonance Theory (Gail Carpenter)
D. Practical Applications of Neural Network Theory (Robert Hecht-Nielsen)
E. Cognitive Science (David Rumelhart)
F. Neural Fuzzy Systems (Fred Watkins)
G. Neurobiology and Chaos (Walter Freeman)
H. Neural Control and Robotics (Michael Kuperstein)
I. Neural Computation and VLSI (Eric Schwartz)
J. Biological Vision (V.S. Ramachandran)
K. Supervised Learning (Hal White)

If you must cancel your registration, all requests must be received in
writing by Ms. Connie Rebert, Registration Supervisor, 875 Kings High-
way, Suite 200, West Deptford, NJ 08096, no later than Monday, June 1,
1993. All fees paid will be refunded minus a $30.00 processing fee.

You may make a hardcopy of this form and mail it to the above address.


          World Congress on Neural Networks 1993, WCNN'93
                Portland, Oregon, Convention Center 
                        July 11-15, 1993


Tutorials will be offered on Sunday, July 11, 1993. Each two
hour tutorial will be offered twice.

A. Cognitive Neuroscience
   (Robert Desimone, National Instituteof Mental Health)
B. Structural and Mathematical Approaches to Signal Processing
   (S.Y. Kung, Princeton University)
C. Adaptive Resonance Theory
   (Gail Carpenter, Boston University)
D. Practical Applications of Neural Network Theory
   (Robert Hecht-Nielsen, HNC Corporation)
E. Cognitive Science
   (David Rumelhart, Stanford University)
F. Neural Fuzzy Systems
   (Fred Watkins, HyperLogic Corporation)
G. Neurobiology and Chaos
   (Walter Freeman, University of California)
H. Neural Control and Robotics
   (Michael Kuperstein, Symbus Technology)
I. Neural Computation and VLSI
   (Eric Schwartz, Vision Applications)
J. Biological Vision
   (V.S. Ramachandran, University of California)
K. Supervised Learning
   (Hal White, University of California)

We are pleased to announce that in addition to the main program, we 
will be offering special tracks in conjunction with the Society of
Manufacturing Engineers on Manufacturing (SME/INNS Track).



          World Congress on Neural Networks 1993, WCNN'93
                Portland, Oregon, Convention Center 
                        July 11-15, 1993


Plenary Speakers include:
* Federico Faggin, Real-Time-On-Chip Learning in Analog VLSI Networks
* Stephen Grossberg, 3-D Vision and Figure-Ground Pop-Out
* Bart Kosko, Neural Fuzzy Systems
* Kumpati Narendra, Intelligent Control Using Neural Networks
* Wolf Singer, Coherence as an Organizing Principal of Cortical

Session Topics                    | Session Chairs
- Applications                    | J. Dayhoff, R. Hecht-Nielsen
- Associative Memory              | J. Andersen, J. Taylor
- Biological Sensory-Motor Control| A. Barto, S. Kelso
- Biological Vision               | C. Malsburg, V.S. Ramachandran
- Cognitive Neuroscience          | R. Desimone, L. Optician
- Electro-Optical Neurocomputers  | L. Giles, H. Szu
- Intelligent Neural Systems      | S. Grossberg, D. Levine
- Local Circuit Neurobiology      | J. Byrne, J. Houk
- Machine Vision                  | R. Chellappa, K. Fukushima
- Neural Fuzzy Systems            | W. Daugherty, B. Kosko
- Neurodynamics                   | S. Amari, H. White
- Pattern Recognition             | T. Kohonen, D. Specht
- Robotics and Control            | M. Kuperstein, K. Narendra
- Signal Processing               | S.Y. Kung, B. Widrow
- Speech and Language             | M. Cohen, D. Rumelhart
- Supervised Learning             | L. Cooper, P. Werbos
- Unsupervised Learning           | G. Carpenter, E. Oja


The numbers associated with sessions refer to the list on the
registration form.

Sunday      Monday         Tuesday       Wednesday      Thursday
7/11/93     7/12/93        7/13/93       7/14/93        7/15/93

Morning Sessions, starting 8:00 am

Tutorials   (1)            (10)          (3)            (8)
            Biological     Cognitive     Speech and     Pattern
            Vision         Neuro-        Language       Recognition

            (17)           (16)          (5)            (14)
            Applications   Associative   Robotics and   Neurodynamics
                           Memory        Control                  

            SME/INNS       (17)          (6)            (4)
            Track          Applications  Supervised     Biological   
                                         Learning       Sensory Motor

Afternoon Sessions, starting 1:30 pm

            (11)          (7)            (6)            (13)
            Intelligent   Unsupervised   Supervised     Signal    
            Neural        Learning       Learning       Processing

            (12)          (9)            (2)            (15)
            Neural        Local Curcuit  Machine        E-O Neuro-  
            Fuzzy         Neurobiology   Vision         Computers


Plenary Talks

			Kosko         Grossberg      Reception

            Narendra      Faggin         Gov't Panel

                                         SIG Meeting



        World Congress on Neural Networks 1993, Portland


Housing application forms will be sent to each registrant. In the
mean time for your information the following are the room rates at
the hotels that are holding blocks of rooms for the WCNN'93.

1) Conference Headquarter Hotel (walking distance to convention

   Red Lion/Lloyd Center
   $110.00 1-2 people, $15.00 each additional person

2) Other hotels within walking distance :

   Best Western/Convention Center
   $74.00 Flat Rate

   Holiday Inn/Downtown
   $72.00 1-2 people, $10 each additional person

3) Downtown Hotels (short ride on light rail train [called MAX]):

   Hilton Hotel
   $104.00 1-2 people, $20 each additional person

   Marriott Hotel
   $116.00 Flat Rate

If you wish to reserve a room before you receive the registration,
or if need further information about the Portland metropolitan
area, please contact:

   Portland Oregon Visitor Association (POVA)
   Attention: Silvia Robles, Housing Department
   26 SW Salmon
   Portland, OR 97204


For July 11-14, 1993, there is still a limited number of rooms
for students available:

   - Montgomery Hall, PSU Campus
   - single rooms
   - prices:  $18.00 without meal
              $34.00 with meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
   - deposit: one night stay (send check in $US or VISA number to
              address below)

! PLEASE NOTE:                                               !
! All requests for student housing MUST BE PROCESSED BEFORE  !
! MAI 31, 1993. There is NO DEPOSIT REFUND for cancellations !
! after MAI 31, 1993.                                        !

For reservation and information please contact

   WCNN'93, Student Housing
   Systems Science PhD Program
   Portland State University
   Portland, OR 97201-0751

   Phone : (503) 725-4961
   FAX   : (503) 725-4882
   e-mail: housing at wcnn93.ee.pdx.edu



        World Congress on Neural Networks 1993, Portland


1) The WCNN`93 proceedings will be available to all
   WCNN'93 attendies at the Oregon Convention Center.

2) After the WCNN`93 the proceedings will be mailed to all
   who did register but could not attend.

3) The WCNN`93 proceedings will be available and mailed
   to requestors who did not register. The price has not
   been established yet.


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