Thu Oct 29 08:30:00 EST 1992

*****************        CALL FOR PAPERS        *****************

               The 6-th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets

                        WIRN VIETRI-93

                        May 12-14, 1993

                Vietri Sul Mare, Salerno ITALY

                      FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT

  Organizing - Scientific  Committee
        B. Apolloni (Univ.  Milano)
        A. Bertoni ( Univ. Milano)
        E. R. Caianiello ( Univ. Salerno)
        D. D. Caviglia ( Univ. Genova)
        P. Campadelli ( CNR Milano)
        M. Ceccarelli ( Univ. Salerno - IRSIP CNR)
        P. Ciaccia ( Univ. Bologna)
        M. Frixione ( I.I.A.S.S.)
        G. M. Guazzo ( I.I.A.S.S.)
        M. Gori ( Univ. Firenze)
        F. Lauria ( Univ. Napoli)
        M. Marinaro ( Univ. Salerno)
        A. Negro ( Univ. Salerno)
        G. Orlandi ( Univ. Roma)
        E. Pasero ( Politecnico Torino )
        A. Petrosino ( Univ. Salerno - IRSIP CNR)
        M. Protasi ( Univ. Roma II)
        S. Rampone ( Univ. Salerno - IRSIP CNR)
        R. Serra ( Gruppo Ferruzzi Ravenna)
        F. Sorbello ( Univ. Palermo)
        R. Stefanelli ( Politecnico Milano)
        L. Stringa ( IRST Trento)
        R. Tagliaferri ( Univ. Salerno)
        R. Vaccaro ( CNR Napoli)

        Mathematical Models
        Architectures and Algorithms
        Hardware and Software Design
        Hybrid Systems
        Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing
        Industrial and Commercial Applications
        Fuzzy Tecniques for Neural Networks

  Papers Due:
        January 15, 1993

  Replies to Authors:
        March 29, 1993

  Revised Papers Due:
        May 14, 1993

        International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies (IIASS)
        Dept. of Fisica Teorica, University of Salerno
        Dept. of Informatica e Applicazioni, University of Salerno
        Dept. of Scienze dell'Informazione, University of Milano
        Istituto per la Ricrca dei Sistemi Informatici Paralleli (IRSIP - CNR)
        Societa' Italiana Reti Neuroniche (SIREN)

The 6-th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets (WIRN VIETRI-93) will
take place in Vietri Sul Mare, Salerno ITALY, May 12-14, 1993.
The conference will bring together scientists who are studying
several topics related to neural networks.
The three-day conference, to be held in the I.I.A.S.S.,
will feature both introductory tutorials and original,
refereed papers, to be published by World Scientific Publishing.
Papers should be 6 pages,including title, abstract, figures,
tables, and bibliography. The first page should give keywords,
postal and electronic mailing addresses, telephone, and FAX numbers.
Submit 3 copies to the address shown. For more information,
contact the Secretary of I.I.A.S.S.

                    Via G.Pellegrino, 19
                    84019 Vietri Sul Mare (SA)

                        Tel. +39 89 761167
                        Fax  +39 89 761189
                        E-Mail robtag at


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