IEEE NNC Standards Committee

Emile Fiesler efiesler at
Mon Jun 1 02:34:02 EDT 1992

On behalf of the IEEE Neural Network Council Standards Committee I am
composing a database of people who are interested in, and would like
to contribute to, the establishment of neural network standards.

    The Committee consists of the following Working Groups:

A. the glossary working group
        concerning neural network nomenclature

B. the paradigms working group
        concerning neural network (construction) tools

C. the performance evaluation working group
        concerning neural network benchmarks

D. the interfaces working group
        concerning neural network hardware and software interfaces
	(This working group is still tentative.)

    People who are interested, and would like to be on our mailing list,
are invited to send me the following information:

1. Name

2. Title / Position

3. Address

4. Telephone number

5. Fax number

6. Electronic mail address

7. Interest:
        A short statement expressing your interests in neural network
        standards including which working group(s) you are interested
        in (A. B, C, D).

                                        E. Fiesler
                                        Case postale 609
                                        CH-1920 Martigny
                                        Switzerland / Suisse
                                        Tel.: +41-26-22-76-64
                                        Fax.: +41-26-22-78-18
                                        E-mail: EFiesler at IDIAP.CH (INTERNET)

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