No subject

Ron Sun rsun at
Thu Jan 16 17:21:46 EST 1992

                    Call For Participation

   The AAAI Workshop on Integrating Neural and Symbolic Processes 
                    (the Cognitive Dimension) 

     to be held at the Tenth National Conference on
                      Artificial Intelligence
                        July 12-17, 1992
                         San Jose, CA

There has been a large amount of research in integrating 
neural and symbolic processes that uses networks of simple
units.  However, there is relatively little work so far in comparing
and combining these fairly isolated efforts.  This workshop will
provide a forum for discussions and exchanges of ideas in this area,
to foster cooperative work, and to produce synergistic results.

The workshop will tackle important issues in integrating neural
and symbolic processes, such as: 
 What are the fundamental problems of integrating neural and
  symbolic processes? Why should we integrate them after all?
 What class of problems is well-suited to such integration?
 What are the relative advantages of each approach or technique
  in achieving such integrations?
 Is cognitive plausibility an important  criterion?
  How do we judge the cognitive plausibility of existing approaches?
 what is the nature of psychological and/or biological evidence for
  existing models, if there is any?
 What role does emergent behavior vs. a localist approach play in
  integrating these processes?
  (Explicit symbol manipulation vs. their functional counterparts)
 Is it possible to synthesize various existing models? 

The workshop will include invited talks, presentations,
questions and answers, and general discussion sessions.  
   Currently  invited speakers include: 
    Jerome Feldman, ICSI; 
    Stuart Dreyfus, IEOR, UC Berkeley.
    Jim Hendler, U Maryland.

Research addressing connectionist rule-based reasoning, 
connectionist natural language processing, other high-level 
connectionist models, compositionality, connectionist knowledge 
representation is particularly relevant to the workshop.

If you wish to present, submit an extended abstract (up to 5 pages);
If you only wish to attend the workshop, send a one-page
description of your interest; All submissions should include
4 hardcopies AND 1 electronic copy (via e-mail) by March 13, 1992
to the workshop chair:
Dr. Ron Sun  \\ 
Honeywell SSDC \\
3660 Technology Drive \\
Minneapolis, MN 55418 \\

rsun at \\
(612)-782-7379 \\

Organizing Committee: 
Dr. Ron Sun, Honeywell SSDC; 
Dr. Lawrence Bookman, Brandeis University;
Prof. Shashi Shekhar, University of Minnesota.

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