Job Opportunity

Marwan Jabri marwan at
Wed Dec 16 18:19:55 EST 1992

The University of Sydney
Department of Electrical Engineering
Systems Engineering and Design Automation Laboratory

Girling Watson Research Fellowship
Reference No. 51/12

Applications are invited for a Girling Watson Research Fellowship at
Sydney University Electrical Engineering. The applicant should have a
strong research and development experience, preferably with a background
in one or more of the following areas: machine intelligence and
connectionist architectures, microelectronics, pattern recognition and

The Fellow will work with the Systems Engineering and Design Automation
Laboratory (SEDAL), one of the largest laboratories at Sydney University
Electrical Engineering. The Fellow will join a group of 18 people (8 staff
and 10 postgraduate students). SEDAL currently has projects on pattern
recognition for implantable devices, VLSI implementation of connectionist
architectures, time series prediction, knowledge integration and
continuous learning, and VLSI computer aided design. The Research Fellow
position is aimed at:

o	contributing to the research program
o	helping with the supervision of postgraduate students
o	supporting some management aspects of SEDAL
o	providing occasional teaching support

Applicants should have either a PhD or an equivalent industry research and
development experience.  The appointment is available for a period of
three years, subject to satisfactory progress.

Salary is in the range of Research Fellow: A$39,463 to A$48,688.

Applications quoting the reference number 51/12 can be sent to:

	The Staff Office
	The University of Sydney
	NSW 2006

For further information contact

	Dr. M. Jabri, 
	Tel: (+61-2) 692-2240, 
	Fax: (+61-2) 660-1228, 
	Email: marwan at

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