
Thu Oct 17 16:01:33 EDT 1991

Two days ago I posted the abstract of our paper "PPNN: A Faster Learning
and Better Generalizing Neural Net".  Because the paper will appear in the
proceeding of IJCNN'91-SINGAPORE, I thought it would be not necessary to
place it in the neuroprose.  However, since the posting, I have received
large amounts of messages requesting a copy of the paper, and the request
is still going on.  Because I had no preparation for this, I was unable to
answer all of the messages in time.  Please excuse me for any possible delay
and errors in replying your requests.

Thanks to many colleagues suggestion, I am going to place the paper to
neuroprose archive.  I will provide the procedures for reaching it
at cheops of Ohio State when it is ready.  I will be happy to send hardcopy
to those having no access to FTP.

Bo Xu
Indiana University
itgt500 at

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