New ICSI TR on incremental learning

Ethem Alpaydin ethem at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU
Tue May 21 13:56:40 EDT 1991

	The following TR is available by anonymous net access at ( in postscript. Instructions to ftp
and uncompress follow text.
	Hard copies may be requested by writing to either of the addresses
	ethem at
	Ethem Alpaydin
	ICSI 1947 Center St. Suite 600
	Berkeley CA 94704-1105 USA


		Networks that grow when they learn and
		       shrink when they forget

			    Ethem Alpaydin

	       International Computer Science Institute
			     Berkeley, CA

			      TR 91-032

Learning when limited to modification of some parameters has a limited
scope; the capability to modify the system structure is also needed to
get a wider range of the learnable.  In the case  of artificial neural
networks, learning  by iterative  adjustment  of synaptic  weights can
only succeed if the network designer predefines an appropriate network
structure, i.e.,  number of  hidden layers,  units,  and the  size and
shape of their receptive and projective  fields.  This paper advocates
the view that the  network  structure should not,  as usually done, be
determined by trial-and-error but should be  computed  by the learning
algorithm.    Incremental learning algorithms  can  modify the network
structure by addition and/or removal of units  and/or links.  A survey
of current connectionist literature is given on this line  of thought.
``Grow and Learn'' (GAL) is a new algorithm that learns an association
at one-shot due to being incremental and using a local representation.
During  the  so-called   ``sleep'' phase, units that  were  previously
stored but which are no longer  necessary  due to recent modifications
are   removed to   minimize network   complexity.   The  incrementally
constructed network   can  later  be  finetuned off-line    to improve
performance.    Another method  proposed    that    greatly  increases
recognition accuracy is  to train a  number of networks and vote  over
their  responses.   The  algorithm and   its  variants are   tested on
recognition of handwritten numerals  and seem promising  especially in
terms of  learning  speed.   This makes the  algorithm attractive  for
on-line    learning  tasks,  e.g.,  in   robotics.   The    biological
plausibility of incremental learning is also discussed briefly.

Incremental  learning,  supervised  learning, classification, pruning,
destructive methods, growth, constructive methods, nearest neighbor.


Instructions to ftp the above-mentioned TR (Assuming you are under 
UNIX and have a postscript printer --- messages in parantheses indicate
system's responses):

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Password:)(your email address)
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ftp>)cd pub/techreports
(250 CWD command successful.
(200 Type set to I.
(200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for (153915 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
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(221 Goodbye.)
(back to Unix)

Happy reading, I hope you'll enjoy it.

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