Hertz/Krogh/Palmer bibliography: BibTeX version available

Nici Schraudolph schraudo at cs.UCSD.EDU
Mon May 20 15:05:00 EDT 1991

I've converted the Hertz/Krogh/Palmer neural network bibliography to
BibTeX format and uploaded it as hertz.refs.bib.Z to the neuroprose
archive (anonymous ftp to cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu, directory
pub/neuroprose).  Like the original authors, I don't have the time to
update or otherwise maintain this bibliography, except to fix obvious
bugs.  Is anybody out there who would be willing to organize a
continually updated bibliography?

Many thanks to Palmer, Krogh & Hertz for making their work available
to us.  Their original file (hertz.refs.tex.Z) has been updated last
Thursday to fix a few minor problems.

Happy citing,
Nicol N. Schraudolph, CSE Dept. | work (619) 534-8187 | nici%cs at ucsd.edu
Univ. of California, San Diego  | FAX  (619) 534-7029 | nici%cs at ucsd.bitnet
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114, U.S.A. | home (619) 273-5261 | ...!ucsd!cs!nici

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