reference for nonsymmetric interconnection networks

Luis Borges de Almeida eniac!lba at
Fri Jan 25 10:22:53 EST 1991

The paper referenced below (reprints can be sent to those interested),
gives results of some experiments on the training of small
Hopfield-style networks by recurrent backpropagation. The examples
given are all for symmetric networks, but the procedure can be
extended to the nonsymmetric case, by just not imposing weight
symmetry during the training. We performed a few tests for that
situation, with good results, though in that case there is no
guarantee that the training will always result in a stable network.
Those tests are not reported in the paper, because we wanted to limit
ourselves to the more Hopfield-like case. The tests reported in the
paper all use the self-feedback term.

On the other hand, the paper reports two very simple experiments on
other extensions of Hopfield networks: use of hidden units, and
storage of analog-valued patterns.

Luis B. Almeida

INESC                             Phone: +351-1-544607
Apartado 10105                    Fax:   +351-1-525843
P-1017 Lisboa Codex

lba at
lba at inesc.uucp                    (if you have access to uucp)



Luis B. Almeida and Joao P. Neto, "Recurrent Backpropagation and
Hopfield Networks", in F.Fogelman-Soulie and J. Herault (eds.), Proc.
of the NATO ARW on Neurocomputing, Algorithms, Architectures and
Implementations, Les Arcs, France, Feb/Mar 1989, Springer-Verlag (1990).

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