Workshop, "NNs for Stat. & Econ. Data"

Wed Jan 9 13:34:54 EST 1991

    Workshop on "Neural Networks for Statistical and Economic Data"

This workshop, organized by Munotec Systems, and funded by the Statistical 
Office of the European Communities, Luxembourg, was held in Dublin, Ireland, 
on December 10-11, 1990. A proceedings, including abstracts and in many 
instances papers, will be reproduced and sent to all on the mailing list of 
the DOSES funding program in the near future.  DOSES ("Design of Statistical 
Expert Systems") is one of the European Community funding programs, and is 
administered by the Statistical Office. Requests to be included on this mailing 
list should be addressed to: DOSES, Statistical Office of the European 
Communities, Batiment Jean Monnet, B.P. 1907, Plateau du Kirchberg, L-2920 

F. Murtagh (murtagh at, fionn at dgaeso51.bitnet)
The following were the talks given at the Dublin meeting:

M. Perremans (Stat. Office of EC, Luxembourg)
   "The European Community statistical research programs."
H.-G. Zimmermann (Siemens, Munich)
   "Neural network features in economics."
J. Frain (Central Bank of Ireland, Dublin)
   "Complex questions in economics and economic statistics."
M.B. Priestley (UMIST, Manchester)
   "Non-linear time series analysis: overview."
R. Rohwer (CSTR, Edinburgh)
   "Neural networks for time-varying data."
P. Ormerod and T. Walker (Henley Centre, London)
   "Neural networks and the monetary base in Switzerland."
S. Openshaw and C. Wymer (Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne)
   "A neural net classifier system for handling census data."
F. Murtagh (Munotec, Dublin; ST-ECF, Munich)
   "A short survey of neural network approaches for forecasting."
D. Wuertz and C. de Groot (ETH, Zrich)
   "Modeling and forecasting of univariate time series by parsimonious 
   feedforward connectionist nets."
J.-C. Fort (Univ. de Paris 1)
   "Kohonen algorithm and the traveling salesman problem."
H.-G. Zimmermann (Siemens, Munich)
   "Completion of incomplete data."
R. Hoptroff and M.J. Bramson (London)
   "Forecasting the economic cycle."
A. Varfis and C. Versino (JRC, Ispra)
   "Neural networks for economic time series forecasting."
D. Mitzman and R. Giovannini (Cerved SpA, Padua)
   "ActivityNets: A neural classifier of natural language descriptions of 
   economic activities."  (Also: demonstration on 386-PC.)
C. Doherty (ERC, Dublin)
   "A comparison between the recurrent cascade-correlation architecture 
   and the Box and Jenkins method on forecasting univariate time series."
M. Eaton and B.J. Collins (Univ. of Limerick, Limerick)
   "Neural network front end to an expert system for decision taking in 
   an uncertain environment."
R.J. Henery (Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow)
   "StatLog: Comparative testing of statistical and logical learning 
Ah Chung Tsoi (Univ. of Queensland)
   "FIR and IIR synapses, a neural network architecture for time series 
A. Singer (Thinking Machines, Munich)
   "Focusing on feature extraction in pattern recognition."
R. Rohwer (CSTR, Univ. of Edinburgh)
   "The 'Moving Targets' algorithm for difficult temporal credit 
   assignment problems."

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