Graduate & Postdoctoral Study in Cognitive & Neural Bases of Learning at Rutgers Univ.

Mark Gluck gluck at pavlov.Rutgers.EDU
Wed Dec 25 18:40:03 EST 1991

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  Graduate and Postdoctoral Training in the:

                               at the
           Center for Molecular & Behavioral Neuroscience
                   Rutgers University; Newark, NJ

  Graduate and postdoctoral positions are available for those
  interested in joining our lab to pursue research and training in
  the cognitive and neural bases of learning and memory, with a
  special emphasis on computational neural-network theories of
  learning.  Current research topics include:

   * Empirical and Computational Studies of Human Learning
       Experimental research involves studies of human learning and
       judgment -- especially classification learning -- motivated
       by a desire to evaluate adaptive network theories of human
       learning and better understand the relationship between
       animal and human learning.  Theoretical (computational) work
       seeks to develop and extend adaptive network models of
       learning to more accurately reflect a wider range of animal
       and human learning behaviors.  Applications of these
       behavioral models to analyses of the neural bases of animal
       and human learning are of particular interest.

   * Computational Models of the Neurobiology of Learning & Memory
       Understanding the neural bases of learning through
       computational models of neural circuits and systems,
       especially the cerebellar and hippocampal areas involved in
       classical Pavlovian conditioning of motor-reflex learning,
       is our primary goal.  Related work seeks to understand
       hippocampal function in a wider range of animal and human
       learning behaviors.

                         Other Information:

  RESEARCH FACILITIES: A new center for graduate study and research
   in cognitive, behavioral, and molecular neuroscience.  The
   program emphasizes interdisciplinary and integrative analyses of
   brain and behavior.  Located in the new Aidekman Neuroscience
   Research Center, the C.M.B.N. has state-of-the-art communication
   facilities, computers, offices, and laboratories.

  LOCATION: Newark, New Jersey: 20 minutes from Manhattan but also
   close to rural New Jersey countryside.  Other nearby
   universities and industry research labs with related research
   programs include: Rutgers (New Brunswick), NYU, Princeton,
   Columbia, Siemens, NEC, AT&T, Bellcore, and IBM.

  CURRENT FACULTY: Elizabeth Abercrombie, Gyorgi Buzsaki, Ian
   Creese, Mark Gluck, Howard Poizner, Margaret Shiffrar, Ralph
   Siegel, Paula Tallal, and James Tepper. Five additional faculty
   will be hired.

  SUPPORT: The Center has 10 state-funded postdoctoral positions
   with additional positions funded from grants and fellowships.
   The graduate program is research-oriented and leads to a Ph.D.
   in Behavioral and Neural Sciences; all students are fully funded.

  SELECTION CRITERIA & PREREQUISITES: Candidates with any (or all)
   of the following skills are encouraged to apply:
   (1) familiarity with neural-network theories and algorithms, (2)
   strong computational and analytic skills, and (3) experience
   with experimental methods in cognitive psychology.  Evidence of
   prior research ability and strong writing skills are critical.


  For more information on graduate or postdoctoral training in
  learning and memory at CMBN/Rutgers, please send a letter with a
  statement of your research and career interests, and a resume
  (C.V.), to:

  Dr. Mark A. Gluck                     Phone: (201) 648-1080 (x3221)
  Center for Molecular 
     & Behavioral Neuroscience
  Rutgers University
  197 University Ave.
  Newark, New Jersey  07102           Email: gluck at

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