IJCNN-91-SEATTLE call for volunteers

Andrew J. Worth worth at park.bu.edu
Fri Apr 26 12:37:23 EDT 1991

                  IJCNN-91-Seattle  Call for Volunteers
                            July 8-12th, 1991
                         Seattle, Washington, USA.

The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN-91-SEATTLE)
has volunteer positions available.

If you or anyone you know would like to exchange admittance to the
conference for working as a volunteer, please respond directly to me at
the e-mail address below.

In the past, volunteers have given approximately 20 hours of labor
(spread out over the entire conference) to receive:

    o admittance to the conference
    o a full set of proceedings
    o attendance to a limited number of tutorials (while working)

The exact benefits are still being worked out.  Volunteer positions
include helping at:

    o Stuffing Conference Proceedings
    o Poster Sessions
    o Technical Sessions
    o Evening Plenary Sessions
    o Social Events
    o OPTIONAL duty: Tutorials

If you are interested in volunteering, please respond directly to me
with the following information:

    o Electronic Mail Address

    o Last Name, First Name
    o Address
    o Country
    o Phone number

    o Volunteer Position Preference

Positions will be filled on a first commit first served basis.  There
will be no funding available for volunteer's travel and lodging


           worth at park.bu.edu

Thank you,
 Andrew J. Worth                        Cognitive & Neural Systems Dept.
 IJCNN-91 Volunteer Chair               Boston University
 worth at park.bu.edu                      111 Cummington Street, Rm 244
 (617) 353-6741                         Boston, MA 02215

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