NN models of attention

Wed Mar 14 14:23:00 EST 1990

I don't recall what the original inquiry was regarding neural network models
of attention, but there have been several articles of Grossberg's and of mine
that have dealt with some aspect of this problem.  Grossberg wrote a review
article (Int. Rev. of Neurobiology 1975) on attention, reinforcement, and
discrimination learning, and he and I wrote a mathematical paper in J. of
Theoretical Biology the same year on attentional biases in a competitive
network.  Psychologists distinguish selective attention between separate
stimuli from selective attention between aspects of a single stimulus.  Those
1975 papers mainly deal with the former, but my article with Paul Prueitt in
Neural Networks 2:103-116 deals with the latter.  We model switches between
different reinforcement criteria (e. g. based on color vs. based on shape) on
the Wisconsin card sorting test, and how such a switch in attentional modula-
tion of categorization is disrupted by frontal lobe damage.

Dan Levine (b344dsl at utarlg.bitnet)

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