neural image?

Mark Turner markt at umd5.umd.EDU
Sat Dec 15 13:02:47 EST 1990

I am seeking a suitable image suggesting neuronal group patterns
and neural connectivity to be used as the background of a book
cover.  The book, titled POETIC THOUGHT: THE STUDY OF ENGLISH 
IN THE AGE OF COGNITIVE SCIENCE, will be published by Princeton 
University Press in the fall of 1991.  POETIC THOUGHT is, to an extent, 
neurally-inspired in its themes and approaches; 
it focuses on conceptual connections and 
neural connections.  I am not having any luck in this search,
and would be indebted for any help.  I need not only
a high-quality image to be used in reproduction but also
permission to use it, with the appropriate credit given of course.

Mark Turner
markt at

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