FTP archives; Technical report available

David Chalmers dave at cogsci.indiana.edu
Tue Dec 4 19:17:03 EST 1990

(1)  Following many requests, the bibliography that I have compiled on the
philosophy of mind/cognition/AI is now available by anonymous ftp from
cogsci.indiana.edu (  It is contained in 5 files chalmers.bib.*
in the directory "pub".  Also contained in this archive are various articles
by members of the Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition.  Instructions
for retrieval are given below.

(2)  The following technical report is now available.


                               David J. Chalmers

                 Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition
                              Indiana University

This paper explores how an evolutionary process can produce systems that
learn.  A general framework for the evolution of learning is outlined, and
is applied to the task of evolving mechanisms suitable for supervised
learning in single-layer neural networks.  Dynamic properties of a
network's information-processing capacity are encoded genetically, and these
properties are subjected to selective pressure based on their success in
producing adaptive behavior in diverse environments.  As a result of
selection and genetic recombination, various successful learning mechanisms
evolve, including the well-known delta rule.  The effect of environmental
diversity on the evolution of learning is investigated, and the role of
different kinds of emergent phenomena in genetic and connectionist systems
is discussed.

A version of this paper appears in _Proceedings of the 1990 Connectionist
Models Summer School_ (Touretzky, Elman, Sejnowski and Hinton, eds).


This paper may be retrieved by anonymous ftp from cogsci.indiana.edu
(  The file is chalmers.evolution.ps.Z, in the directory pub.
To retrieve, do the following:

unix-1> ftp cogsci.indiana.edu                         # (or ftp
Connected to cogsci.indiana.edu
Name (cogsci.indiana.edu:): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, sent ident as password.
Password: [identification]
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> cd pub
ftp> binary
ftp> get chalmers.evolution.ps.Z
ftp> quit
unix-2> uncompress chalmers.evolution.ps.Z
unix-3> lpr -P(your_local_postscript_printer) chalmers.evolution.ps

The file is also available from the Ohio State neuroprose archives by the
usual methods.  If you do not have access to ftp, hardcopies may be obtained
by sending e-mail to dave at cogsci.indiana.edu.

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