Neuroprose lead time pollack at
Fri Apr 27 12:17:15 EDT 1990

**Do not forward to other lists**

Recently, some connectionists have placed their reports in the Inbox,
notified me and, a couple of hours later, posted their TR announcement
to the mailing list. I'm a fairly busy guy, and it takes at least a
day or two to process my email and do simple chores like moving and
renaming files, and keeping the INDEX file.  I realize that you want
your papers to be read, but please be patient or the connectionist
preprint system will break down due to misinformation and the email
traffic to fix it.

Jordan Pollack                            Assistant Professor
CIS Dept/OSU                              Laboratory for AI Research
2036 Neil Ave                             Email: pollack at
Columbus, OH 43210                        Fax/Phone: (614) 292-4890

( has been fixed and added

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