tech report available

Trent Lange lange at CS.UCLA.EDU
Tue Oct 17 08:45:25 EDT 1989

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The following tech report is now available:

         High-Level Inferencing in a Connectionist Network

                         Trent E. Lange
                         Michael G. Dyer

                Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
                    Computer Science Department
               University of California, Los Angeles
	              Los Angeles, CA  90024


   Connectionist models have had problems representing and apply-
  ing general knowledge rules that specifically require variables.
  This variable binding problem has barred them from performing the
  high-level inferencing necessary for planning, reasoning, and
  natural language understanding.  This paper describes ROBIN, a
  structured neural network model capable of high-level inferencing
  requiring variable bindings and rule application.  Variable bind-
  ings are handled by signatures -- activation patterns which uniquely
  identify the concept bound to a role.  Signatures allow multiple
  role-bindings to be propagated across the network in parallel for
  rule application and dynamic inference path instantiation.  Signa-
  tures are integrated within a connectionist semantic network struc-
  ture whose constraint-relaxation process selects between those
  newly-instantiated inferences.  This allows ROBIN to handle an area
  of high-level inferencing difficult even for symbolic models, that
  of resolving multiple constraints from context to select the best
  interpretation from among several alternative and possibly ambiguous
  inference paths.

This is a pre-print of a paper that will appear in Connection Science.

 To order a copy of this tech report, write to Trent Lange at the
address above, or send e-mail to lange at  Ask for tech
report number UCLA-AI-89-12.

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