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Paul Hollis pwh at
Fri Nov 25 14:21:29 EST 1988

                           NEURAL NETWORKS

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

           IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks
                           June 19-22, 1989
                           Washington, D.C.

The  1989 IEEE International Conference on Neural  Networks  (ICNN-89) 
will be held at the Sheraton Washington Hotel in Washington, D.C., USA 
from  June 19-22, 1989.  ICNN-89 is the third annual conference  in  a 
series  devoted to the technology of neurocomputing in  its  academic, 
industrial, commercial, consumer, and biomedical engineering  aspects.  
The series is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Activities Board  Neural 
Network  Committee,  created Spring 1988.  ICNN-87 and  88  were  huge 
successes,  both in terms of large attendance and high quality of  the 
technical  presentations.  ICNN-89 continues this tradition.  It  will 
be  by  far the largest and most important neural network  meeting  of 
1989.  As in the past, the full text of papers presented orally in the 
technical  sessions  will be published in the  Conference  Proceedings 
(along  with  some  particularly outstanding papers  from  the  Poster 
Sessions).   The Abstract portions of all poster papers not  published 
in  full  will also be published in the Proceedings.   The  Conference 
Proceedings  will  be  distributed at the  registration  desk  to  all 
regular conference registrants as well as to all student  registrants.  
This  gives  conference  participants the full  text  of  every  paper 
presented  in  each technical session -- which greatly  increases  the 
value  of  the  conference.  ICNN is the  only  major  neural  network 
conference  in  the  world  to offer this  feature.   As  is  now  the 
tradition,  ICNN-89  will include a day of tutorials  (June  18),  the 
exhibit hall (the neurocomputing industry's primary annual tradeshow), 
plenary  talks, and social events.  Mark your calendar today and  plan 
to attend IEEE ICNN-89 -- the definitive annual progress report on the 
neurocomputing revolution!

DEADLINE  FOR  SUBMISSION OF PAPERS for ICNN-89 is February  1,  1989.  
Papers of 8 pages or less are solicited in the following areas:

-Real World Applications                    -Associative Memory
-Supervised Learning Theory                 -Image Processing
-Reinforcement Learning Theory              -Self-Organization
-Robotics and Control                       -Neurobiological Models
-Optical Neurocomputers                     -Vision
-Optimization                               -Electronic Neurocomputers
-Neural Network Theory & Architectures

Papers  should  be prepared in standard  IEEE  Conference  Proceedings 
Format,  and typed on the special forms provided in the Author's  Kit.  
The  Title,  Author Name, Affiliation, and Abstract  portions  of  the 
first  page  of  the paper must be less than a half  page  in  length.  
Indicate  in  your cover letter which of the above subject  areas  you 
wish  your  paper included in and whether you wish your  paper  to  be 
considered  for oral presentation, presentation as a poster, or  both.  
For papers with multiple authors, indicate the name and address of the 
author  to whom correspondence should be sent.  Papers  submitted  for 
oral presentation may, at the referee's discretion, be designated  for 
poster  presentation  instead,  if  they  feel  this  would  be   more 
appropriate.   FULL  PAPERS  in camera-ready form (1  original  and  5 
copies)  should be submitted to Nomi Feldman, Conference  Coordinator, 
at  the  address  below.  For more details, or to  request  your  IEEE 
Author's Kit, call or write:

                            Nomi Feldman,
                    ICNN-89 Conference Coordinator
                          3770 Tansy Street
                         San Diego, CA  92121
                            (619) 453-6222

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