Roni.Rosenfeld@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU Roni.Rosenfeld at B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
Tue Jul 12 22:03:16 EDT 1988

All e-mail messages sent to "Connectionists at" starting 02/27/88
are now available for public perusal.

A separate file exists for each month.  The files' names are:


where yymm stand for the obvious thing.  Thus the earliest available data are
in the file:

To browse through these files (as well as through other files, see below)
you must FTP them to your local machine.

	How to FTP files from the CONNECTIONISTS Archive

1.  Open an FTP connection to host B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU

2.  Login as user "ftpguest" with password "cmunix".

3.  To retrieve a file named, e.g., backprop.lisp, you must reference it
    as "connectionists/backprop.lisp".  Note that the filename you type
    must not begin with a "/" or contain the special string "/..".

4.  See the file "connectionists/READ.ME" for a list of other files of
    interest that are available for FTPing.

Contents of connectionists/READ.ME as of 07/12/88:

subscribers.dist	     The connectionists mailing list
redistribution-maintainers   People responsible for redistribution.

arch.yymm       Archives of the mailing list for the month mm/yy.
		(Archives available starting 02/28/88)

backprop.lisp	A backpropagation simulator
conference.*	Calls for papers for upcoming neural net conferences.
biblio.mss	A slightly expanded version of the PDP book's bibliography.
bradtke.bib	A bibliography on connectionist natural language and KR.

Problems? - contact us at "connectionists-request at".

Happy Browsing

-- Roni Rosenfeld
   connectionists-request at

More information about the Connectionists mailing list