[UPDATE][CMU AI Seminar] Mar 24 (Zoom) -- Le Song (Georgia Tech/MBZUAI) -- Understanding Deep Architectures with Reasoning Layer -- AI Seminar sponsored by Fortive

Shaojie Bai shaojieb at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Mar 23 12:06:47 EDT 2021

Hi all,

*NOTE*: This seminar is tomorrow at *1pm*, not the usual 12pm (due to a
faculty candidate talk at 12pm).

Just a reminder that the CMU AI Seminar <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/> is
tomorrow *1pm-2pm*:

Le Song (GeorgiaTech/MBZUAI) will be talking about some cool insights
related to deep reasoning layers (see below).


On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 9:40 AM Shaojie Bai <shaojieb at andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

> *UPDATE*: As the planned time (3/23 12pm) overlaps with a SCS faculty
> candidate talk, this seminar will be moved to next Wednesday (3/24) at 12pm
> instead.
> --------------------------------------------
> Dear all,
> We look forward to seeing you *next Wednesday (3/24)* from 12:00-1:00 PM
> (U.S. Eastern time) for the next talk of our *CMU AI seminar*, sponsored
> by Fortive <https://careers.fortive.com/>.
> To learn more about the seminar series or see the future schedule, please
> visit the seminar website <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>.
> <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>
> On 3/24, *Le Song* (Georgia Tech / MBZUAI) will be giving a talk on "*Understanding
> Deep Architectures with Reasoning Layer*."
> *Title*: Understanding Deep Architectures with Reasoning Layer
> *Talk Abstract*: Recently, there has been a surge of interest in
> combining deep learning models with reasoning in order to handle more
> sophisticated learning tasks. In many cases, a reasoning task can be solved
> by an iterative algorithm. This algorithm is often unrolled, and used as a
> specialized layer in the deep architecture, which can be trained end-to-end
> with other neural components. Although such hybrid deep architectures have
> led to many empirical successes, the theoretical foundation of such
> architectures, especially the interplay between algorithm layers and other
> neural layers, remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we take an
> initial step towards an understanding of such hybrid deep architectures by
> showing that properties of the algorithm layers, such as convergence,
> stability and sensitivity, are intimately related to the approximation and
> generalization abilities of the end-to-end model. Furthermore, our analysis
> matches closely our experimental observations under various conditions,
> suggesting that our theory can provide useful guidelines for designing deep
> architectures with reasoning layers.
> *Speaker Bio*: Le Song is a Professor and the Deputy Chair of the Machine
> Learning Department, Mohamed bin Sayed University of AI, UAE. He was an
> Associate Professor in the Department of Computational Science and
> Engineering, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, worked
> as a research scientist at Google, and did his post-doc in Carnegie Mellon
> University. His principal research area is machine learning, especially
> kernel methods, deep learning, and probabilistic graphical models. He is
> the recipient of many best paper awards at major machine learning
> conferences, such as NeurIPS, ICML and AISTATS, and the NSF CAREER Award.
> He has also served as the area chair or senior program committee for many
> leading machine learning and AI conferences such as NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR,
> AAAI and IJCAI, and the action editor for JMLR and IEEE TPAMI. He is also a
> board member of the International Conference for Machine Learning.
> *Zoom Link*:
> https://cmu.zoom.us/j/94092736800?pwd=OWlCRlV6RERtRHByWWpkZEl0YkNOQT09
> Thanks,
> Shaojie Bai (MLD)
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