[CMU AI Seminar] Mar 16 (Zoom) -- Raia Hadsell (DeepMind) -- Scalable Robot Learning in Rich Environments -- AI Seminar sponsored by Fortive

Shaojie Bai shaojieb at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Mar 9 13:13:21 EST 2021

Dear all,

We look forward to seeing you *next Tuesday (3/16)* from 12:00-1:00 PM
(U.S. Eastern time) for the next talk of our *CMU AI seminar*, sponsored by
Fortive <https://careers.fortive.com/>.

To learn more about the seminar series or see the future schedule, please
visit the seminar website <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>.

On 3/16, *Raia Hadsell <http://raiahadsell.com/index.html>* (DeepMind) will
be giving a talk on "*Scalable Robot Learning in Rich Environments*."

*Title*: Scalable Robot Learning in Rich Environments

*Talk Abstract*: As modern machine learning methods push towards
breakthroughs in controlling physical systems, games and simple physical
simulations are often used as the main benchmark domains. As the field
matures, it is important to develop more sophisticated learning systems
with the aim of solving more complex real-world tasks, but problems like
catastrophic forgetting and data efficiency remain critical, particularly
for robotic domains. This talk will cover some of the challenges that exist
for learning from interactions in more complex, constrained, and real-world
settings, and some promising new approaches that have emerged.

*Speaker Bio*: Raia Hadsell is the Director of Robotics at DeepMind. Dr.
Hadsell joined DeepMind in 2014 to pursue new solutions for artificial
general intelligence. Her research focuses on the challenge of continual
learning for AI agents and robots, and she has proposed neural approaches
such as policy distillation, progressive nets, and elastic weight
consolidation to solve the problem of catastrophic forgetting. Dr. Hadsell
is on the executive boards of ICLR (International Conference on Learning
Representations), WiML (Women in Machine Learning), and CoRL (Conference on
Robot Learning). She is a fellow of the European Lab on Learning Systems
(ELLIS), a founding organizer of NAISys (Neuroscience for AI Systems), and
serves as a CIFAR advisor.

*Zoom Link*:

Shaojie Bai (MLD)
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