[AI Seminar] Online AI Seminar on Dec 08 (Zoom) -- Matthias Niessner -- Why Neural Rendering is getting more amazing every day! -- AI seminar is sponsored by Fortive

Aayush Bansal aayushb at cs.cmu.edu
Mon Dec 7 11:02:16 EST 2020

Reminder..this is tomorrow at noon (ET).

On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 7:57 AM Aayush Bansal <aayushb at cs.cmu.edu> wrote:

> Matthias Niessner (TUM) will be giving an online seminar on "Why Neural
> Rendering is getting more amazing every day! " from 12:00 noon - 01:00 PM
> ET on Dec 08.
> *Zoom Link*:
> https://cmu.zoom.us/j/95663250946?pwd=TkMvd0FrdTN2aVlJZ0NhK2tQY0Mxdz09
> CMU AI Seminar is sponsored by Fortive.
> Following are the details of the talk:
> *Title*: Why Neural Rendering is getting more amazing every day!
> *Abstract*: In this talk, I will present my research vision in how to
> create a photo-realistic digital replica of the real world, and how to make
> holograms become a reality. Eventually, I would like to see photos and
> videos evolve to become interactive, holographic content indistinguishable
> from the real world. Imagine taking such 3D photos to share with friends,
> family, or social media; the ability to fully record historical moments for
> future generations; or to provide content for upcoming augmented and
> virtual reality applications. AI-based approaches, such as generative
> neural networks, are becoming more and more popular in this context since
> they have the potential to transform existing image synthesis pipelines. I
> will specifically talk about an avenue towards neural rendering where we
> can retain the full control of a traditional graphics pipeline but at the
> same time exploit modern capabilities of deep learning, such as handling
> the imperfections of content from commodity 3D scans.
> While the capture and photo-realistic synthesis of imagery open up
> unbelievable possibilities for applications ranging from entertainment to
> communication industries, there are also important ethical considerations
> that must be kept in mind. Specifically, in the content of fabricated news
> (e.g., fake-news), it is critical to highlight and understand
> digitally-manipulated content. I believe that media forensics plays an
> important role in this area, both from an academic standpoint to better
> understand image and video manipulation, but even more importantly from a
> societal standpoint to create and raise awareness around the possibilities
> and moreover, to highlight potential avenues and solutions regarding trust
> of digital content.
> *Bio*: Dr. Matthias Nießner is a Professor at the Technical University of
> Munich where he leads the Visual Computing Lab. Before, he was a Visiting
> Assistant Professor at Stanford University. Prof. Nießner’s research lies
> at the intersection of computer vision, graphics, and machine learning,
> where he is particularly interested in cutting-edge techniques for 3D
> reconstruction, semantic 3D scene understanding, video editing, and
> AI-driven video synthesis. In total, he has published over 70 academic
> publications, including 22 papers at the prestigious ACM Transactions on
> Graphics (SIGGRAPH / SIGGRAPH Asia) journal and 26 works at the leading
> vision conferences (CVPR, ECCV, ICCV); several of these works won best
> paper awards, including at SIGCHI’14, HPG’15, SPG’18, and the SIGGRAPH’16
> Emerging Technologies Award for the best Live Demo.
> Prof. Nießner’s work enjoys wide media coverage, with many articles
> featured in main-stream media including the New York Times, Wall Street
> Journal, Spiegel, MIT Technological Review, and many more, and his was work
> led to several TV appearances such as on Jimmy Kimmel Live, where Prof.
> Nießner demonstrated the popular Face2Face technique; Prof. Nießner’s
> academic Youtube channel currently has over 5 million views.
> For his work, Prof. Nießner received several awards: he is a TUM-IAS
> Rudolph Moessbauer Fellow (2017 – ongoing), he won the Google Faculty Award
> for Machine Perception (2017), the Nvidia Professor Partnership Award
> (2018), as well as the prestigious ERC Starting Grant 2018 which comes with
> 1.500.000 Euro in research funding; in 2019, he received the Eurographics
> Young Researcher Award honoring the best upcoming graphics researcher in
> Europe. In addition to his academic impact, Prof. Nießner is a co-founder
> and director of Synthesia Inc., a brand-new startup backed by Marc Cuban,
> whose aim is to empower storytellers with cutting-edge AI-driven video
> synthesis.
> To learn more about the seminar series, please visit the website:
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/
> --
> Aayush Bansal
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aayushb/

Aayush Bansal
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