[Intelligence Seminar] AI-related Seminar on "Software Individuals" by Erik Sandewall - Oct. 24

Tom Mitchell tom.mitchell at cs.cmu.edu
Sun Oct 21 23:01:26 EDT 2012

This seminar by Erik Sandewall, former Editor in Chief of the AI
Journal, may be of interest to some.  Contact Sharon Cavlovich to
schedule a meeting with Erik if you like.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sharon Cavlovich <sharonw+ at cs.cmu.edu>
Date: Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 11:14 AM
Subject: ML Special Seminar - Erik Sandewall - Oct. 24, 2012
To: ml-seminar at cs.cmu.edu, Catherine Copetas <copetas at cs.cmu.edu>

Please join us for a ML Special Seminar:

Oct. 24, 2012
Gates Building 8102

Speaker:  Erik Sandewall
Host:  Tom Mitchell, for appointments contact Sharon Cavlovich
(sharonw at cs.cmu.edu)

Title of talk: Software Individuals

Abstract: Software systems with general intelligence need two
characteristic properties, among others: an ability to learn, and an
ability to accept responsibilities e.g. as the result of delegation. I
propose that they should therefore be organized as *software
individuals* which are cognitive intelligent agents that are designed
with two properties of a technical character: they are designed for
long life, to the order of years or more, and they are also designed
with individuality. The latter property means that moving an
individual and making a copy of it are essentially different
operations. Longevity is a prerequisite for meaningful learning;
individuality is a prerequisite for delegation and responsibility; and
it turns out that the technical implementation of these
characteristics are interrelated. In the talk I will discuss these
issues and describe the Leonardo system which is a software platform
for cognitive intelligent agents that has the described properties.

Bio:  Erik Sandewall is professor of Computer Science at Linköping
University in Sweden, and he has also worked as visiting researcher at
Stanford, MIT, and the University of Toulouse in France.  Active in AI
research since the mid 1960's, he has combined work in Knowledge
Representation (reasoning about actions, and defeasible inheritance)
with applied projects concerning autonomous intelligent vehicles (cars
and UAV's).  He founded the Electronic Transactions on Artificial
Intelligence which featured open peer review, and he has served as
co-Editor-in-chief of the journal Artificial Intelligence.

Sharon Cavlovich
Assistant to the Department Head
Machine Learning Department
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Gates Hillman Complex 8215
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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