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<title> Postdoc position @ Chair of Autonomous Systems & Mechatronics, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg</title>
<blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid #325fba; padding-left: 5px; margin: 0px 5px 1em;"><span style="font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"></span><br /><span style="font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"></span>We offer a #postdocposition (TV-L 13) in research & teaching. Join our interdisciplinary team to develop unified models of physical and cognitive human-robot interaction in a project with TU Berlin and Univ. Tubingen!<br />
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;"><br />Position profile<br /><br />- Research in autonomous systems focusing on cognitive, neuromechanical, and robotics modeling as well as human-robot interaction.<br /><br />- Interdisciplinary collaboration with TU Berlin (Nele Rußwinkel, cognitive science) and Univ. Tübingen (Daniel Häufle, human neuromechanics)<br /><br />- Participation in teaching and administration<br /><br /><br />Your profile<br /><br />- PhD in cognitive/computer science, bio-/neuromechanics, psychology/neuroscience, robotics/engineering, or related<br /><br />- Complementary experience to the PhD in one or more of the fields mentioned above<br /><br />- Promising track record, strong publications, very good English skills<br /><br /><br />Please apply with a PDF (cover letter, CV & degree/grades) sent to philipp.beckerle@fau.de <mailto:philipp.beckerle@fau.de> .<br /><br /></pre>
<p style="padding: 0; margin: 0; "><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"><span class="moz-txt-tag">-- <br /></span>Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nele Rußwinkel <br /> <br /> <br />FG Kognitive Modellierung in dynamischen Mensch-Maschine-Systemen <br />Institut für Psychologie und Arbeitswissenschaft <br />Fakultät V Verkehrs- und Maschinensysteme <br /> <br />Technische Universität Berlin <br />MAR 3-2 <br />Marchstr. 23 - Raum 3.071 <br />D-10587 Berlin <br /> <br />Tel: +49 30 314 72408 <br />Fax: +49 30 314 25289 <br /> <br /><a href="http://www.kmodys.tu-berlin.de">http://www.kmodys.tu-berlin.de</a></span></p>