Greetings,<br>I am seeking to use the ACT-R framework for modeling multiple agents that collaborate on a task. I am a novice when it comes to the ACT-R framework and only somewhat more familiar with LISP. I have searched through the past posts to this list and could find only one reference: <br>
<br>Kim, S.-Y., Lodge, M., & Taber, C. (2004). A computational model of
voter- The dynamics of political candidate evaluation. In <i>Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling </i>(pp. 362-363). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University/University of Pittsburgh.<br>
<br>However, the paper does not discuss any details of the implementation except for a mention of 'use of sockets'. Any pointers regarding papers/tutorials that illustrate how ACT-R can
be used for developing a multi-agent model would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Thank you.<br>Srikanth.<br>