<span class="style3"><strong><span style="font-weight: normal;">The job isn't specifically for an ACT-R person, but we would be more than happy to add another ACT-R user to our group. Our department is growing and we also have tenure-track position openings in clinical, developmental psychopathology, and social psychology - see our web page for more information. <br><br>----<br></span><br>The Department of Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro</strong> invites applications for a position in <strong>Cognitive </strong><strong>Psychology (rank open)</strong>. The Department of Psychology consists of 24 full-time faculty and
offers a B.A. in psychology and the Ph.D. in clinical, cognitive,
developmental, and social psychology (See <a href="http://www.uncg.edu/psy">http://www.uncg.edu/psy</a>
for more information). All applicants should have a clear commitment to
graduate and undergraduate teaching and show evidence of a strong
independent research program with an ability to collaborate across
specialty areas. We are especially interested in individuals who will
complement the Department?s two interdisciplinary themes - ?Risk and
Resilience in Social Contexts? and ?Self-Regulation, Consciousness, and
Control?. Applicants must hold or anticipate a Ph.D. by August 1, 2007.
Applicants at the Associate or Full level should also have a
demonstrated record of research excellence, including success in
securing external funding. Applicants with strong quantitative skills
and/or expertise in the biological bases of behavior are especially
encouraged to apply. We are especially interested in research expertise in <em>judgment and decision-making</em>, <em> conscious/executive control of cognition and behavior, </em> or<em> cognition and emotion </em>
(especially as these relate to aging populations). More information may
be obtained from Dr. Michael Kane, Chair of the Cognitive Search
Committee (email: <a href="mailto:mjkane@uncg.edu">mjkane@uncg.edu</a>). Applicants should send a cover letter, a vita, a
detailed description of their research program , three representative
reprints or preprints, and a statement of teaching interests and
teaching philosophy to the chair of the appropriate search committee:
Department of Psychology, UNCG, PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC
27402-6170. Applicants should have three reference letters sent
separately. Review of the applications will begin on October 17, 2006
and continue until the position is filled. EEO/AA.</span>