[ACT-R-users] Motor module for piano keyboard?

Dan Bothell db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Mar 25 14:49:27 EDT 2024

I don't know of any motor extensions specific to piano playing, but there
are some extensions that I know of which may be useful as examples to help
developing such actions.

Included with the ACT-R software are two sets of motor extensions in the
extras directory.

The extended-motor-actions directory contains ones that were built here at
CMU for use in playing video games.  That includes providing separate
execution stages for the hands (so they can be more independent), updating
the finger actions to have both a press and release event, new hold and
release actions, and a timed hold that will press a finger and then release
it after a specified amount of time passes.

The act-touch directory contains extensions developed by Frank Tamborello
at Cogscent, LLC for using touch screen interfaces.  That has actions which
involve multiple fingers being used simultaneously: swiping, pinching, and

Another extension that may be useful is the periodic tapping extension by
Pierre Gianferrara.

It's described in this paper:

Gianferrara, P. G., Betts, S., Bothell, D., & Anderson, J. R. (2021).
Simulating human periodic tapping and implications for cognitive models. In
T. C. Stewart (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th international conference on
cognitive modeling (pp. 87–93). Applied Cognitive Science Lab, Penn State

available here: https://iccm-conference.neocities.org/2021/papers/570.pdf

However, I don't see the code included with that.  The code can be found
here: https://doi.org/10.1184/R1/21599775.v2 with the files for this paper:

Gianferrara, P. G., Betts, S. A., & Anderson, J. R. (2024). Periodic
tapping mechanisms of skill learning in a fast-paced video game. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50(1), 39–63.

Hope that helps,

On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 12:27 PM Schoppek, Wolfgang <
Wolfgang.Schoppek at uni-bayreuth.de> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am wondering if anybody has adapted or extended ACT-R's motor (and
> vision) module to handle playing on a piano keyboard with several fingers
> simultaneously? I am currently modeling the cognitive aspects of
> improvising figured bass lines (a musical technique from the baroque
> period). I would be interested in extending the model to the visual/motor
> aspects of that skill. Any hints are welcome!
> Regards,
>  Wolfgang Schoppek
> Senior Lecturer in Psychology
> Univerity of Bayreuth, Germany
> https://www.psychologie.uni-bayreuth.de/de/team/wolfgang-schoppek/index.php
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