[ACT-R-users] Another update to the ACT-R standalone for machines with Apple silicon proccessors

Dan Bothell db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Feb 19 16:12:16 EST 2024

The recent update that fixed the problem with the standalone not running
under macOS Sonoma seems to have introduced a potential problem with the
ACT-R remote connections on any machine with an Apple silicon processor.

The standalone for macOS using Apple silicon processors has been rebuilt
with a custom version of SBCL that does run under Sonoma and doesn't cause
that potential connection issue.

This is a temporary fix so that the standalone application is reliable
while I fix the issue in the ACT-R code that has problems with the newer
versions of SBCL -- the real issue isn't on the SBCL side.

Please let me know if you have any problems with the updated version.

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