[ACT-R-users] BRiMS Conference Deadline Extension (UNCLASSIFIED)

Cassenti, Daniel N CIV USARMY (US) daniel.n.cassenti.civ at mail.mil
Mon Jan 5 10:49:20 EST 2015

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Dear Colleagues,

Due to multiple requests for extensions, the timing with the holiday season, and the broken link on the main BRiMS web page (since fixed), the BRiMS Program Chairs have agreed to extend the deadlines for BRiMS submissions. The following is our new timeline, which has been posted on the web site.

All submissions due

January 26, 2015

Tutorial Acceptance

February 2, 2015

Authors Notification

February 23, 2015

Final version due

March 10, 2015

If colleagues that you know are not on the ACT-R distribution list, please let them know as well (we can add them to the BRiMS list too, if they contact me). On behalf of the BRiMS Executive Committee, we look forward to seeing your submissions. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Best Regards,

Daniel N. Cassenti, Ph.D.
U.S. Army Research Lab
Human Research and Engineering Directorate
Office: 410-278-5859
Lab: 410-306-1231
FAX: 410-278-9523

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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