[ACT-R-users] CogModel notes: ICCM15/CogSci14 Proc/Mooc on AI/confs/Jobs

Frank Ritter fer2 at psu.edu
Tue Sep 30 01:12:33 EDT 2014

This is the third emailing for ICCM 2015 in April 2015. Please forward
if appropriate to your members, and put appropriate links onto your
web site, and so on.  There are a lot of jobs going.

The ICCM 2015 announcement drives this email (it will be in Gronigen,
NL, 8-11 April 2015, on its regular (15/18 month) schedule).

There are several timely (or late) announcements that indicate new
publication outlets, resources, and jobs in Cog Sci and in cognitive
modeling. I have also included two unusual items, a Mooc and video for
a book!  Now in order: meetings, resources, jobs.

If you would like to be removed, please just let me know.  I maintain
it by hand to keep it small.

I take some announcements from the Soar group, the ACT-R group, and

[Hypertext version available at


Frank Ritter        frank.e.ritter at gmail.com      http://www.frankritter.com

1.  International Conf. on Cognitive Modeling, 9-11 Apr 15, Gronigen, NL
    http://www.iccm2015.org/, submissions due 8 dec 2014

2.  International Conf. on Cognitive Modeling, tutorial call, due 8 Dec 2014

3.  Video (!) summary of Foundations for User-centered Design (HCI) book

4.  Cognitive Science 2014 Proceedings available

5.  MOOC on Developmental Artificial Intelligence
    http://liris.cnrs.fr/ideal/mooc (starts Oct 2014)

6.  Survey on HCI education


7.  AAAI 2015 special track on Cognitive Systems

8.  2014 Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired
    Cognitive Architectures (BICA 2014) 7-9 Nov 14

9.  iConference 2015, 24-27 March 2015, various due dates

10.  Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences, papers due 1 oct 14

11.  Call for Papers: IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM)
    Special Issue: "Computational Intelligence for Changing Environments"

12.  CALL FOR PROPOSALS: AISB Workshop Series

13.   AI Career Network Conference during AAAI-15 in Jan 2015
    http://sigai.acm.org/cnc/cfp.html,  due: 6 Oct 2014


14.  Henry Rutgers Term Chair in Computer and Data Science (due 1 nov 14)

15.  Full Professor of Applied CS (Ubiquitous Computing), Vienna U. of Tech.
     http://www.informatik.tuwien.ac.at   (due 20 oct 14)

16. Tenure Track Asst. Prof of Cog Psy, UC/Riverside (due 10 oct 14)

17.  Faculty Position in Computational Neuroscience at UC/Irvine (due 15 Nov 14)

18.  Research Lectureship in HCI, U. of St Andrews, Scotland (due 3 Oct 14)

19.  Lecturer in HCI, U. of Birmingham (UK), Closes 5 Oct 14

20.  Faculty position in system dynamics, MIT Sloan School of Management

21.  Asst. Prof - Embodied Cognitive Science, Cog Sci Program, Indiana
    https://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/1006  (due 1 nov 14)

22.  Open Rank Faculty Position, Indiana, School of Informatics & Computing
    http://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/971  due 1 Dec 2014

23.  Full Prof for Applied Cog Psych, U of Ulm (due: 3 Oct 2014)

24. Faculty positions in Computer Science at American U
    http://apply.interfolio.com/25813  (due 3 Nov 2014)

25.  Faculty Position in Comp Games & Virt Worlds @Concordia U. (due 1 dec 14)

26.  NIH-Wide Stadtman Tenure-Track Recruitment (30 sep 2015, annual?)

27.  Junior professorship to work in Germany, due 1 sep 14 and 1 sep 15?

28. Post-doctoral fellow in computational cognitive modeling, Wright State
    http://jobs.wright.edu/postings/8101 (reviewed from 22 sep 14)

29.  3 year postdoc in London, modelling bee brains
    http://www.jobs.qmul.ac.uk/5111 (due 9 oct 14)

30.  Junior position in Cognitive Science research group at ETS

31.  Research Scientist Computational Neuroscience Position in Toronto
    (due 19 Oct 14)

32.  PhD position in computational modelling at Max Planck/Leipzig
    http://www.o-brain-project.de     (until filled)

33.  KTP associate post-doc in workload for rail control

34.  Web Developer for Databrary.org [until filled]

35.  Cognitive Robotics Job, Army Res. Lab (until filled)

1. International Conf. on Cognitive Modeling, 9-11 Apr 15, Gronigen, NL
    http://www.iccm2015.org/, submissions due 8 dec 2014

The International Conference on Cognitive Modeling will take place in
9-11 April 2015 at RU/Gronigen, the Netherlands.

All paper, poster, symposium, and tutorial submissions are due on 8
Dec 2014, 11.59pm CEST [Central European Standard Time, +1GMT]. They
should be submitted via our online submission system, which will be
available closer to the deadline.

There are three types of regular submissions:

  Papers: refereed papers of up to 6 pages. If a submission is
  accepted to be published as a paper, the paper will be presented at
  the conference either as a talk or as a poster.

  Posters: refereed poster abstracts of up to 2 pages. If accepted,
  the corresponding poster will be presented at the conference in a
  dedicated poster session.

  Symposia: refereed symposia abstracts of up to 2 pages. If accepted,
  the conference committee will contact the authors to help organize
  and schedule the symposium.

The website has further details, and will have more as the conference

2.  International Conf. on Cognitive Modeling, tutorial call, due 8 Dec 2014

The day before the conference (8 apr 15) will be devoted to tutorials
on various cognitive modelling techniques and approaches. If you are
interested in submitting a proposal for a tutorial, please see the
tutorial page for more information.

Tutorial proposals will be evaluated by the organising committee on
the basis of their estimated benefit for prospective participants and
on their fit within the tutorials program as a whole. If you are
interested in organising a tutorial, please send us an email at
info at iccm2015.org by 8 Dec 2014 with the following information:

  - a 150 word description of the tutorial
  - duration (half-day or full-day)
  - who the tutors will be
  - any pre-requisites that participants need to follow the tutorial

We will notify you of acceptance or rejection by 1 Feb 2015.

3.  Video (!) summary of Foundations for User-centered Design (HCI) book

Our HCI book (http://www.frankritter.com/fducs) now has a video
summary, which seems, ahh, interesting.  For your education,
edification, and amusement.  I think it was automatically created:

4.  Cognitive Science 2014 Proceedings available

The Cognitive Science Conference proceedings are now available:

5.  MOOC on Developmental Artificial Intelligence
    http://liris.cnrs.fr/ideal/mooc (starts Oct 2014)

I was going to write to you to announce our MOOC on Developmental
Artificial Intelligence:

  The teaser: http://youtu.be/kQPz9InhHjk
  The web page: http://liris.cnrs.fr/ideal/mooc

The course will begin in Oct but participants may register already and
start meeting the community.

Please share this announcement widely! We are not only looking for
participants but also for partners to provide inputs and collaborate
on this occasion.

I am also looking for suggestions of mailing lists or any idea to
share this announcement.

Olivier.Georgeon at gmail.com

6.  Survey on HCI education

[perhaps dated and in HCI, but modeling is used in HCI]

As part of our research focused on the international HCI curriculum,
one of our PhD students, Ann Austin, is investigating the cognitive
style of HCI students. In order to provide her with a benchmark
against which to compare them, she is asking HCI professionals, both
practitioners and educators, to complete the following survey.

The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete:


If you have other colleagues that would also be prepared to
participate in this survey, please do pass on the URL of the link.  If
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact her:
Ann.Austin at uwl.ac.uk

Many Thanks!

Jose Abdelnour Nocera, PhD
Assoc Prof in Sociotechnical Design
Inst for Practice and Interdisciplinary Research (INSPIRE)
Head of  Sociotechnical Centre for Innovation and User Experience
U of West London
St Mary's Road, Ealing - London W5 5RF

7.  AAAI 2015 special track on Cognitive Systems

[This is an annual thing, and you might be interested in it next year]

As you may know, AAAI 2015 will be held in January, with submissions
due in September.  This year it includes a Special Track on Cognitive
Systems that is being co-chaired by Ken Forbus and Paul Rosenbloom.
The blurb for the track is below, and the official webpage is
http://www.aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI/2015/aaai15cognitive.php.  We're
looking for great papers on a variety of topics likely to be relevance
to the Soar community.

In an attempt to return to the original goals of artificial
intelligence and cognitive science, this special track invites papers
in human-level intelligence, integrated cognition, cognitive
architectures, and related areas that aim to explain intelligence in
computational terms and reproduce a range of human cognitive abilities
in computational artifacts.  Critically, the track will focus on
cognitive capabilities "in the context of complete artificial
cognitive systems," hence papers on individual component algorithms
will only be accepted if they discuss these algorithms and their
functions in conjunction with the rest of the integrated artificial
cognitive system. Possible topics include the following, as well as
other related integrated cognitive functions and issues:

  * memory storage and retrieval            * motivation and emotion
  * social cognition and interaction         * learning and knowledge capture
  * introspection and meta-cognition      * methods of integration
  * conceptual inference and reasoning
  * problem solving and decision making
  * perception, imagery and motor control
  * natural language understanding and dialogue
  * efficiency and real-time performance (i.e., reaching the ~50 ms cog cycle time)

Papers will be reviewed by qualified reviewers drawn from a special
track committee, with general expertise in artificial cognitive
systems and specific expertise in at least one of the above areas. We
encourage authors to clearly explain how their paper fits into the
Special Track on Cognitive Systems and how it answers the call for
papers. In cases where a submitted paper is not deemed relevant, it
may be considered for review for another special track or the general
technical papers track at the discretion of the tracks and conference

8.  2014 Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired
    Cognitive Architectures (BICA 2014) 7-9 Nov 14

    Fifth Annual Meeting of the BICA Society
    7-9 Nov 14 (F-S): MIT  http://bicasociety.org/meetings/2014/

PoC: Paul Robertson (paulr at dollabs.com) and Alexei
Samsonovich (alexei at bicasociety.org

Fifth Annual Meeting of the BICA Society

Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) are computational
frameworks for building intelligent agents that are inspired from
biological intelligence.  Biological intelligent systems, notably
animals such as humans, have many qualities that are often lacking in
artificially designed systems including robustness, flexibility and
adaptability to environments.  At a point in time where visibility
into naturally intelligent systems is exploding, thanks to modern
brain imaging and recording techniques allowing us to map brain
structures and functions, our ability to learn lessons from nature and
to build biologically inspired intelligent systems has never been
greater.  At the same time, the growth in computer science and
technology has unleashed enough computational power at sufficiently
low prices, that an explosion of intelligent applications from
driverless vehicles, to augmented reality, to ubiquitous robots, is
now almost certain.  The growth in these fields challenges the
computational replication of all essential aspects of the human mind
(the BICA Challenge), an endeavor which is interdisciplinary in nature
and promises to yield bi-directional flow of understanding between all
involved disciplines.


With the scope of BICA 2014 covering all areas of BICA-related research
listed below, the major thrusts will be Perception, Attention, and
Language.  Here the key questions are:

* What can we learn from biological systems about how perception,
  attention, decision making, and action work together to produce
  intelligent behavior that is robust in natural environments?

* What have we learned about information flow in biological systems
  that can aid us in building better artificial systems that combine
  perception, action, language, learning, and decision making in
  robots and intelligent agents?

* What have we learned recently about information flow in the brain
  that can lead to better cognitive models that combine perception,
  attention, decision making, action, language, and learning?

* What role is played by emotions in perception, attention, decision
  making, language, and learning?

* How have we, or can we incorporate into cognitive architectures new
  evolving understandings about flow of information in biological
  cognitive systems?

* What mathematical foundations are emerging today that can support
  perception and learning?

In addition to these focus topic areas of BICA 2014, we encourage
submission of papers in all areas of BICA research, especially in the
following areas.

Format and Agenda

The format of the conference is a 3-day meeting including paper
presentations, panel discussions, invited talks, and demonstration
showcases. Symposia and other mini-events (special sessions, breakout
groups, brainstorms, think-tanks, socials, contests, and more) as part
of the conference will be added as needed (proposals are
solicited). In addition, BICA 2014 will host a special track
"Doctorial Consortium" for which a "best student paper" award will be
presented.  We will also host technology demonstrations, for which we
solicit proposals, and a poster session.  We solicit additionally
proposals for panel topics. The working language is English. As a part
of our rich social and cultural program included in the registration,
we are planning a Welcome Reception and a boat trip into the Atlantic
on Saturday night, with a banquet on the boat. Detailed program is not
available yet. Please see our separate pages for Confirmed symposia
planned as part of BICA 2014 (we are asking for additional proposals)

Conference Venues:

The conference will be held on the MIT campus in the Stata Building on
Saturday and Sunday, 8-9 Nov; however, on F, 7 Nov 14, sessions will
be held in the nearby Boston Marriott Cambridge hotel (2 Cambridge
Center, 50 Broadway, Cambridge MA; 617-494-6600), which is also an
official site of BICA 2014, in addition to the MIT campus.

Submission and Publication Venues:

Publication venues include: (1) the Elsevier journal BICA,
papers may be distributed among several journal issues; and (2) a
volume of _Procedia Computer Science,
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/procedia-computer-science, indexed by
Web of Science and Scopus. One EasyChair submission site will be used
for all categories of submissions, including (1), (2) and also (3):
stand-alone abstracts that will be included in the conference program
brochure, without being published. All submissions will undergo one
round of peer-reviews. The category may be changed based on
reviews. All conference materials (including papers and abstracts)
will be together made available locally for conference participants
(included in the registration package) via USB and/or the
Internet. Invited speakers are not required, but are encouraged to
submit papers or abstracts. Other participants can have presentations
accepted based on an abstract only, without a paper submission.

Core Organizing Committee

General Chair,
Paul Robertson (DOLL, Inc.), http://www.dollabs.com/drpaulrobertson.htm

Patrick H. Winston (CSAIL/MIT), http://people.csail.mit.edu/phw
Howard Shrobe (CSAIL/MIT), http://www.csail.mit.edu/user/796
Alexei Samsonovich (GMU), http://mason.gmu.edu/%7Easamsono/  PC Chair

Antonio Chella: OC Member
Christian Lebiere: OC Member
Kamilla R. Johannsdottir: OC Member
Michele Ferrante, mferr133 at gmail.com, (BU): OC Member

Submission Preparation: please see this separate page

 Important Dates

*Proposals and ideas for special features and mini-events:**
*Doctoral Consortium / Special Student & Young Faculty Track -- send now

   Paper and Abstract Submission: Submission is OPEN!

Late-breaking stand-alone abstracts due-- contact Alexis

   Registration and Conference: Registration is OPEN!

Guest and non-presenting attendee online registration due --  1 Oct 14

Sessions of the conference BICA 2014: November 7-9

9.  iConference 2015, 24-27 March 2015, various due dates

*Now Accepting Submissions*
24-27 Mar 2015
Newport Beach, CA  USA

We are now accepting submissions for iConference 2015. Submissions may be
made on our secure submissions site at

The iConference is an international gathering of scholars and
researchers concerned with critical information issues in contemporary

The following submissions are invited:

*Submission Type*

  Papers http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/papers/
  Fri 5 Sep 14, midnight PDT

  Posters http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/posters/
  F 10 Oct 14, midnight PDT

  Workshops http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/workshops/
  F 26 Sep 14, midnight PDT
  Mon 27 Oct 14

  Interactive Sessions http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/sessions-for-interaction-and-engagement/
  F 10 Oct 14, midnight PDT

  Doctoral Colloquium http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/doctoral-colloquium/
  F 12 Sep 14, midnight PDT
  F 24 Oct 14

  Social Media Expo http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/social-media-expo/
  Participation commitment letter due 14 Oct 14
  submissions due 15 Dec 14
  Th 15 Jan 15

  Dissertation Award http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/dissertation-award/
  W 15 Oct 14, midnight PDT
  Th 15 Jan 15

iConference 2015 http://ischools.org/the-iconference/ takes place
March 24-27 in Newport Beach, CA. It is presented by the iSchools
organization http://ischools.org and hosted by The Donald Bren School
of Information and Computer Sciences at UC/Irvine. All information
researchers and scholars are welcome.

Sample topics of past iConferences include the following:

 ? human-computer interaction         ? digital humanities
 ? digital curation and preservation    ? digital youth
 ? knowledge infrastructures              ? information retrieval
 ? data, text and knowledge mining    ? social computing
 ? computational social science          ? data science
 ? network science                              ? information policy
 ? information economics               ? information work and workers
 ? user experience and design        ? information systems
 ? computer-supported cooperative work
 ? bibliometrics and scholarly communication
 ? social, cultural, health and community informatics
 ? information and communication technology for development

Gary M. Olson
Dept of Informatics
Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
UC, Irvine  949-824-0077  /  gary.olson at uci.edu

10.  Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences, papers due 1 oct 14

Conference on Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences, London
School of Economics, London, UK, January 30-31 2015

Abstracts for paper and poster presentations are invited. Submission
deadline is 1 Oct 2014.


This interdisciplinary conference explores issues arising from
scientific discovery in the social sciences. Keynote talks will be
given by speakers from philosophy, psychology and computer
science. Submissions are invited from a range of disciplines including
the behavioural and social sciences, computer science, philosophy and
statistics. Papers and posters covering all relevant techniques and
approaches within this broad area are welcome. It is hoped that
selected papers will appear in extended form as an edited volume.

Examples of suitable topics are:

- Computational methods for extracting information from data,
  including pattern recognition, with applications to scientific
  discovery in social science

- Novel methods for automating the generation and refinement of social
  science theories and models

- Computational simulation of and assistance with aspects of
  scientific discovery in social science such as induction, insight,
  creativity and theory formation

- The extent to which computational methods of theory development
  challenge the idea that the construction of social science theories
  is an exclusively human activity

- The degree to which methods of scientific discovery in social
  science suggest new philosophical perspectives about the difference
  between social and natural science, and the distinguishing
  characteristics of social science

- Philosophical relationships in social science between scientific
  discovery, causation, explanation, inference and probability

- The extent to which scientific discovery contributes to the
  interpretation and application of complex models in social science
  including the identification of model error

- Experiments or case study analyses shedding light on the
  psychological mechanisms underpinning scientific discovery

- Analyses reflecting on the history and sociology of scientific discovery


  Submissions should be abstracts of up to 500 words.

  Please send your paper by email to:
  sdss at generating-theories.peterlane.info, no later than 23.59 GMT on
  Wednesday 1 October 2014.


  1 Oct 2014: Deadline for submission of papers
  1 Nov 2014: Notification of acceptance
  30-31 January 2015: Conference


If your abstract is accepted, at least 1 author must register and
attend the conference. It is hoped that selected authors will be
invited to submit full papers for an edited volume.

Conference website: http://generating-theories.peterlane.info/sdss.html

All queries to: sdss at generating-theories.peterlane.info


  Prof. Mark Addis, Birmingham City U.
  Prof. Fernand Gobet, Liverpool U.
  Dr. Peter Lane, U. of Hertfordshire
  Dr. Peter Sozou, Liverpool U.

11.  Call for Papers: IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM)
    Special Issue: "Computational Intelligence for Changing Environments"

Call for Papers:  IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM)

Special Issue on "Computational Intelligence for Changing
Environments"  (Submission Deadline: 15 Nov 2014)

Guest Editors: Amir Hussain, Dacheng Tao, Jonathan Wu and Dongbin Zhao

Aims and Scope:

Over the past decade or so, computational intelligence techniques have
been highly successful for solving big data challenges in changing
environments. In particular, there has been growing interest in so
called biologically inspired learning (BIL), which refers to a wide
range of learning techniques, motivated by biology, that try to mimic
specific biological functions or behaviors. Examples include the
hierarchy of the brain neocortex and neural circuits, which have
resulted in biologically-inspired features for encoding, deep neural
networks for classification, and spiking neural networks for general

To ensure these models are generalizable to unseen data, it is common
to assume that the training and test data are independently sampled
from an identical distribution, known as the sample i.i.d. assumption.
In dynamic and non-stationary environments,  the distribution of data
changes over time, resulting in the phenomenon of 'concept drift'
(also known as population drift or concept shift), which is a
generalization of covariance shift in statistics. Over the last five
years, transfer learning and multitask learning have been used to
tackle this problem. Fundamental analyses using probably approximately
correct (PAC) and Rademacher complexity frameworks have  explained why
appropriate incorporation of context and concept drift can improve
generalizability in changing environments.

It is possible to use human-level processing power to tackle concept
drift in changing environments. Concept drift is a real-world problem,
usually associated with online and concept learning, where the
relationships between input data and target variables dynamically
change over time. Traditional learning schemes do not adequately
address this issue, either because they are offline or because they
avoid  dynamic learning. However, BIL seems to possess properties that
would be helpful for solving concept drift problems in changing
environments. Intuitively, the human capacity to deal with concept
drift is innate to cognitive processes, and the learning problems
susceptible to concept drift seem to share some of the dynamic demands
placed on plastic neural areas in the brain. Using improved biological
models in neural networks can provide insight into cognitive
computational phenomena.

However, a main outstanding issue in using computational intelligence
for changing environments and domain adaptation is how to build
complex networks, or how networks should be connected to the features,
samples, and distribution drifts. Manual design and building of these
networks are beyond current human capabilities. Recently,
computational intelligence methods has been used to address concept
drift in changing environments, with promising results. A Hebbian
learning model has been used to handle random, as well as correlated,
concept drift. Neural networks have been used for concept drift
detection, and the influence of latent variables on concept drift in a
neural network has been studied. In another study, a timing-dependent
synapse model has been applied to concept drift. These works mainly
apply biologically-plausible computational models to concept drift
problems. Although these results are still in their infancy, they open
up new possibilities to achieve brain-like intelligence for solving
concept drift problems in changing environments.

Taking the current state of research in computational intelligence for
changing environments into account, the objective of this special
issue is to collate this research to help unify the concepts and
terminology of computational intelligence in changing environments,
and to survey state-of-the-art computational intelligence
methodologies and the key techniques investigated to date. Therefore,
this special issue invites submissions on the most recent developments
in computational intelligence for changing environments algorithms and
architectures, theoretical foundations, and representations, & their
application to real world problems. We also welcome timely surveys &
review papers.

Topics of Interest include (but are not limited to):
  ? Computational intelligence methodologies and implementation for
    changing environments
  ? Transfer learning, Multitask learning, Domain adaption
  ? Incremental Learning architectures, Unsupervised and semi-supervised
    learning architectures
  ? Incremental Knowledge augmentation, Representation learning and disentangling
  ? Incremental Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy systems
  ? Incremental and single-pass data mining
  ? Incremental Neural Clustering & Regression
  ? Incremental Adaptive decision systems
  ? Incremental Feature selection and reduction
  ? Incremental Constructive Learning
  ? Novelty detection in Incremental learning

Submission Process

The maximum length for the manuscript is typically 25 pages in single
column format with double-spacing, including figures and references.
Authors should specify in the first page of their manuscripts the
corresponding author's contact and up to 5 keywords. Submission should
be made via: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieee-cim-cice2015

Important Dates (for August 2015 Issue)
  15 Nov 2014: Submission of Manuscripts
  15 Jan 2015: Notification of Review Results
  15 Feb 2015: Submission of Revised Manuscripts
  15 Mar 2015: Submission of Final Manuscripts

Guest Editors
  Prof Amir Hussain    ahu at cs.stir.ac.uk     http://cs.stir.ac.uk/~ahu/
  U of Stirling
  Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland UK

  Prof Dacheng Tao
  U. of Technology, Sydney    dacheng.tao at uts.edu.au

  Prof Jonathan Wu
  U of Windsor, Canada     jwu at uwindsor.ca

  Prof Dongbin Zhao        dongbin.zhao at gmail.com
  Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

12.  CALL FOR PROPOSALS: AISB Workshop Series

The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the
Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) is the largest Artificial Intelligence
Society in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1964, the society has an
international membership drawn from both academia and industry and is
a member of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial

Since September 2012, the AISB has been hosting a series of one or two
day workshops across the country. The 5th workshop will take place at
the U of Birmingham between 18th - 19th August 2014, with the theme
"Figurative language: its patterns and meanings in domain-specific
discourse". A number of publications have already arisen from these
events, the most recent of which was a Symposium Issue of of the
Journal of Consciousness Studies.

If you are interested in hosting one of these events, you will find
information on what you will need to do on this page:

Please note that the events are abstract-only and free for all AISB
members. Light refreshments are funded by the AISB. Current
non-members would be able to host or attend these any of these
workshops for the cost of AISB membership (which start at ?15 for
concessionary fees and ?40 for UK members per year).

The first two workshops were both held at Goldsmiths, the third was
hosted at St Mary's U, while the most recent workshop was held in
Bournemouth U. Further information about these previous
events can be found on the AISB workshop pages listed above.

To propose a workshop, you will need to complete a brief application
with the following details:

  1. Workshop title
  2. Workshop abstract (200-400 words approx.)
  3. Organiser(s) and main contact (include details of expertise in proposed topic)
  4. Host Institution details (name, address)
  5. Planned dates for event (please also include proposed deadlines for the following):
      Abstract Submission, Notification of Decision, Registration, Workshop
  6.Possible speakers (e.g. do you plan to invite speakers?)
  7.Where you would advertise (e.g. could you create a page on your institution website?)

Details for hosting the workshops:

For more information, or to submit an application, please contact me
directly at the following address (by removing the gaps): yj.erden @

13.   AI Career Network Conference during AAAI-15 in Jan 2015
    http://sigai.acm.org/cnc/cfp.html,  due: 6 Oct 2014

SIGAI, ACM's Special Interest Group in Artificial Intelligence, is
launching its Early Career Network with a Career Network Conference in
Austin during AAAI-15 in January. Details are at http://sigai.acm.org/cnc/cfp.html

Preliminary Call for Abstracts and Participation
    ACM's Special Interest Group in AI (SIGAI) announces the launch of the
SIGAI Career Network Conference (SIGAI CNC), a meeting that supports
early-career scientists in their transition to independent research in
academia, industry, or government. Participation is open to (and
encouraged from!) researchers in AI, including vision, robotics, NLP,
learning, etc. CNC will include:

  Research presentations from early career researchers to potential
  mentors and employers

  A career fair that showcases diverse career opportunities in
  academia, government, the non-profit sector, and industry

  Mentoring opportunities in small groups

  Brokered events that match researcher interests and expertise with
  career paths and potential employers

The first SIGAI Career Network Conference will be held in Austin, TX,
on 26 Jan 2015 the day before the start of the AAAI main conference,
also in Austin. SIGAI CNC will be complemented by a Career Network
website that serves as a community for support, information sharing,
and networking among early-career AI researchers. One of the goals of
the conference and the website is to coordinate the job matching
process and improve the flow of information in the broader AI job
market. Therefore, the website will provide facilities for both job
seekers and potential employers, including the ability to view each
others' profiles both before and after the conference. Attendees on
both sides of the market are encouraged to reach out to each other
both before the conference as well as after learning about each other
during the conference.

Call for abstracts and applications from students and postdocs
(Deadline: 6 Oct 14)

We welcome submissions from both PhD students who will complete
their dissertations in Spring or Summer 2015 as well as postdocs who
defended their dissertations in 2010 or later. In order to apply,
please submit:

  An abstract (similar to a research statement) of up to three pages
    plus one page of references (see formatting instructions available
    on the website).
  A short description of your career interests and aspirations.
  An up-to-date academic CV.
  A letter of recommendation from your PhD or postdoctoral advisor.

If accepted, only the abstract will be published in the
proceedings. Detailed submission instructions will be available at

Your research abstract should be a description of the main thrust of
your research, not a single paper. It should reference your
publications and working papers, and put your research in context for
a broad AI audience. We welcome submissions from any topic relevant to
artificial intelligence, broadly defined. This includes, but is not
limited to:

  Machine Learning                        Multi-Agent Systems
  Planning and Scheduling                 Robotics
  Interface of AI and Economics        AI and the Web
  Natural Language Processing          Computer Vision
  Interface of AI and Cognitive Science
  Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  Search, Constraint Satisfaction, and Optimization

In particular, we would like to emphasize that one of the goals of CNC
is to bring together researchers from all areas of AI, including those
who consider a conference other than AAAI or IJCAI their primary

Call for job opening presentations
    Organizations (academic, government, industry) who seek to hire AI
researchers may apply to advertise specific job openings and career
paths at their institution. Selected organizations will also be
invited to give a lightning talk at the conference. Booths will be
available for organizations to advertise and interact with conference
participants. The SIGAI Career Network site will also make the job
opportunities listings and other materials available online.

Call for participation
    We encourage anyone who wants to learn about research at the cutting
edge of AI, as well as representatives of academic departments,
companies, government agencies, and others interested in recruiting
PhD level researchers, to join us at CNC. We also strongly encourage
current students and postdocs who plan to be on the job market in
future years to attend in order to learn about potential career paths
and network with employers. Our collocation with AAAI makes this
meeting both economical and convenient.

Applications for travel support
    SIGAI will provide travel support for a significant number of
participants with accepted abstracts. Requests for travel support
should be included with the research abstract submission.

Organizations (academic, government, industry) who seek to hire AI
researchers may apply to advertise specific job openings and career
paths at their institution. Selected organizations will also be
invited to give a lightning talk at the conference. Booths will be
available for organizations to advertise and interact with conference

14.  Henry Rutgers Term Chair in Computer and Data Science (due 1 nov 14)

Rutgers University - Newark (RU-N) seeks outstanding candidates to serve
as Henry Rutgers Term Chair in Computer and Data Science, with a specific
focus on computational methods in machine learning, or statistical
modeling of complex data sets in the sciences, engineering, business, or
medical fields. Recruitment is at the associate professor level; however,
exceptional candidates qualifying for the full professor rank may  be

This recruitment is part of the Rutgers U Strategic Plan to strengthen
Rutgers leadership in burgeoning fields, and part of the new
transdisciplinary research Institute for Data Science, Learning, and
Applications (I-DSLA). I-DSLA brings together computer scientists,
cognitive scientists, philosophers, and domain experts in
neuroscience, environmental science, chemistry, medicine, business,
and other professions. The new hire will be poised to leverage these
experts as well as a new high performance computing cluster on the
RU-N campus, to advance knowledge about learning from data.

Applicants should hold a PhD in CS, Computational Statistics, or a
related field and have a record of excellent scholarship, as
demonstrated by significant publications and funding. They should be
open to collaborative research within the RU-N community and will be
expected to help build a group of faculty in areas related to I-DSLA,
maintain an active externally-funded research program, teach
undergraduate and graduate courses, and mentor PhD students.

Applicants should apply no later than 1 Nov 2014.  To receive detailed
instructions on how to apply, please email hrsearch at rutgers.edu with
the subject line 'How to apply'.

Bart Krekelberg, PhD         bart at vision.rutgers.edu
Associate Director, Center for Molecular and Behavioral and Neuroscience
Associate Director, Rutgers Brain Imaging Center
Associate Prof, Rutgers U
Newark, NJ                          (973) 353-3602       http://vision.rutgers.edu

15.  Full Professor of Applied CS (Ubiquitous Computing), Vienna U. of Tech.
     http://www.informatik.tuwien.ac.at   (due 20 oct 14)

Full Professor of Applied Computer Science (Ubiquitous Computing)
Vienna U. of Technology

The Vienna U. of Technology invites applications for a Full Professor
position at the Faculty of Informatics. The open position is
affiliated to the Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology.

The successful candidate will have an outstanding research record in
the field of Ubiquitous Computing and focuses on next generation
ubiquitous computing systems and their application in authentic real
world settings. Particular research topics of interest include
sensor-rich environments; interactive and smart spaces; new
interaction paradigms; Internet of Things; mobile and context-aware
computing; awareness and privacy; and tangible, situated and embodied
interaction.  Besides research, the duties of a full professor at the
Vienna U of Technology include graduate and undergraduate teaching (in
English or German) as well as contributing to usual management and
faculty service tasks.

The Vienna U of Technology announces a tenured Full Professor
position. The appointment will follow a two step procedure: The
initial appointment will be for 5 years. The appointment will then be
made permanent following a positive evaluation not earlier than the
third year.

The Vienna U of Technology is among the most successful
technical universities in Europe, and is Austria's largest
scientific-technical research and educational institution. The Faculty
of Informatics, one of the eight faculties at the Vienna U of
Technology, has an excellent reputation and plays an active role in
national and international research. The main areas of research
include Computational Intelligence, Computer Engineering, Distributed
and Parallel Systems, Media Informatics and Visual Computing, as well
as Business Informatics.

Applicants are expected to have the following qualifications:
  - PhD or doctoral degree.
  - Post-doctoral experience at a university or other research institution.
  - An outstanding research and publication record.
  - An excellent reputation as an active member of the international
    scientific community.
  - Teaching skills.

  - Experience in raising funds and in managing scientific research projects.
  - Leadership abilities.
  - Experience in university teaching.

  - Excellent working conditions in an attractive research environment.
  - An attractive salary, including additional contributions to a pension fund.
  - Additional financial research support during the first few years (equipment etc.).
  - Support for relocating to Vienna.
  - A position in a city with an exceptional quality of life (e.g. ranked #1 in the
    Mercer Quality of Living Survey 2014)


For information about

  - the Faculty of Informatics, go to: http://www.informatik.tuwien.ac.at
  - the 5 main research areas of the Faculty of Informatics, go to:
  - the Vienna U of Technology, go to: http://www.tuwien.ac.at
  - the Institute of Design and Assessment of Technologies


The Vienna U of Technology is committed to increasing female
employment in leading scientific positions. Female applicants are
explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given when equally
qualified. People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply.

Applications have to include
  - A detailed curriculum vitae.
  - A list of publications.
  - Copies of the applicant's five most important publications related to the
      position together with an explanation of their relevance.
  - A positioning statement, describing the applicant's vision
    1) on the interplay between use, real world application, technology and theory;
    2) on how to position and advance the field within the Faculty of Informatics in
        the areas of research and teaching, in particular in connection with the 5
        main research areas of the Faculty of Informatics.

The actual salary will be agreed between the successful applicant and
the university, commensurate with qualifications and relevant
experience. In accordance with the Austrian Collective Agreement for
U Staff full professors receive a minimum salary of currently
EUR 65.8k pa.

Applications (in English) should be sent to the Dean of the Faculty of
Informatics, Prof. Dr. Gerald Steinhardt, in digital form (a single
pdf file to: dekan at informatik.tuwien.ac.at).  Deadline: 20 Oct 14.

16. Tenure Track Asst. Prof of Cog Psy, UC/Riverside (due 10 oct 14)

The Department of Psychology, UC/Riverside, invites applications for a
tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Cognitive Psychology,
beginning July 1, 2015. We seek applicants whose research examines
language learning, at any time scale, and/or bilingualism. The ideal
candidate will contribute to our emerging emphasis in experience-
dependent change. Applicants should demonstrate a record of research
excellence using methodological approaches involving human behavior,
neuroimaging, and/or computational modeling.

Applicants should be committed to excellence in undergraduate and
graduate education. The PhD degree is required at time of
hire. Salary will be commensurate with education and
experience. Review of completed applications begins 10 Oct 2014 and
continues until the position is filled. Interested candidates should
send a cover letter describing research and teaching interests, their
curriculum vitae, reprints and preprints, and arrange to have three
letters of recommendation provided, all using the following link:
https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/apply/JPF00159. Questions about the position
should be directed to Professor Christine Chiarello, Chair, Cognitive
Area Search Committee, at christine.chiarello at ucr.edu.

The Riverside campus of the U of California is growing rapidly
and has an excellent psychology department with a strong record of success
in research, teaching and extramural funding. For information on the
Department of Psychology, see our web site at: http://www.psych.ucr.edu.
The campus is centrally located in Southern California, about 50 miles
east of Los Angeles and less than an hour's drive from the area's
mountains, deserts and beaches.

  Aaron Seitz, PhD  Professor
  Dept. of Psy        (951) 827-6422    aseitz at ucr.edu
  Riverside, CA      http://faculty.ucr.edu/~aseitz/

17.  Faculty Position in Computational Neuroscience at UC/Irvine (due 15 Nov 14)

Faculty Position in Computational Neuroscience

The Department of Cognitive Sciences (www.cogsci.uci.edu) at the
UC/Irvine (UCI) invites applications for a faculty position at the
Associate or Full Professor level. We are especially interested in
candidates who use mathematical, computational, or robotics approaches
to study the neural basis of cognition in any of these areas: (1)
vision, hearing, and attention; (2) memory and decision-making; (3)
learning and development; (4) language. Applicants whose research
relates to human behavior are preferred.

A strong record of publications and extramural funding is
essential. Exceptional candidates at the Assistant Professor level
will also be considered.

The online application includes: A cover letter, CV, research and
teaching statements, 3 recent publications, and contact information
for 3-5 referees. Interested candidates can apply for the position at:
https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/apply/JPF02452. To ensure full
consideration, please complete the application by 15 Nov 2014.

Best regards,

Jeff Krichmar                jkrichma at uci.edu
Dept. of Cognitive Sciences
UC/Irvine                     http://www.socsci.uci.edu/~jkrichma

18.  Research Lectureship in HCI, U. of St Andrews, Scotland (due 3 Oct 14)


We seek a colleague to join SACHI (http://sachi.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/)
at the School of Computer Science, U of St Andrews.  This is
a full academic career track position, with research and teaching

The School of Computer Science provides a research-supportive
environment, excellent facilities, great opportunities for
interdisciplinary collaboration, integration with the larger
excellence network of CS research in Scotland (SICSA), and access to
the brightest students in the UK and internationally. This year the
School was ranked 1st in the UK by the Guardian's University guide.

We are interested in top early career researchers in any of the topics
below (although we will consider top-researchers in other areas
related to HCI and Data Science):

  - Input and Interaction methods
  - Information Visualisation or other techniques relevant to Data
     Science (e.g. machine learning)
  - Ubiquitous Computing or Systems
  - Digital Humanities

Join one of the top CS departments in the UK, and the third oldest
university in the English-speaking world. The University is integrated
within the town of St Andrews on the East coast of Scotland: home of
golf, and rich in history.  The town offers a family-friendly
environment at just over an hour from Edinburgh, Scotland's capital,
and with easy access to all services and good public transport

See more information in the official vacancy announcement:
http://bit.ly/sachi_lectureship (the Further Particulars document at
the bottom will be particularly useful).

For informal inquiries and questions, feel free to also e-mail
Prof. Aaron Quigley (aquigley at st-andrews.ac.uk) or Miguel Nacenta
(mans at st-andrews.ac.uk).

Miguel Nacenta
Lecturer, U of St Andrews
mans at st-andrews.ac.uk      http://nacenta.com       @miguelnacenta

19.  Lecturer in HCI, U. of Birmingham (UK), Closes 5 Oct 14

Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

School of Computer Science

U of Birmingham - College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Location: Birmingham Salary: ?38,511 to ?45,954 with potential
progression once in post to ?51k pa.

Placed on:  12 Aug 14  Closes: 5 Oct 14   Job Ref:52252

The U of Birmingham has made a strategic investment in the
area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).  A centre for HCI has
recently been created, and now contains leading academics undertaking
a wide range of research into HCI theories and applications.

The successful applicant will become a key member of the HCI Research
Centre. The vision for the Centre is based on a people-centred
perspective on interaction and technology: it attempts to understand
and create the future that we will inhabit and interact with
digitally. Our approach to HCI is based on a rigorous scientific
quantitative approach coupled with experimental validation.

The role also offers a 2.5 year window to allow the post holder to
focus on their research, with a reduced teaching load. It therefore
offers an outstanding opportunity for leading international quality
researchers to accelerate their research activity.  After these 2.5
years, the candidate will transition to a standard lectureship and
teaching load.

Applicants should have an outstanding track record of international
quality research in human-computer interaction.  The ideal candidates
will have a PhD in a discipline relevant to HCI, and will be able to
demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach to their research.  They
should be able to demonstrate an excellent and accelerating record of
publications in journals and conferences, engagement with the HCI
community nationally and internationally, and the ability to attract
grant funding.  We are also interested in nurturing and developing
future stars who may not yet have established their reputation.
Applicants who have recently achieved their PhD may also be
considered, though a substantial publication record will still be
required.  Research areas that match, or strongly relate to, the areas
identified in the job description are preferred, though we are willing
to consider any recognised area of HCI.

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Russell Beale
(R.Beale at cs.bham.ac.uk), +44 (0) 121 414 3729.

Come and join us! - Russell Beale, Andrew Howes, Alan Dix, Chris
Baber, Mirco Musolesi, Bob Hendley and all the researchers and PhDs in
the HCI Centre.

20.  Faculty position in system dynamics, MIT Sloan School of Management

The MIT Sloan School of Management invites applications for a
tenure-track faculty position in system dynamics, to begin July 2015
(or thereafter). Candidates should have excellent knowledge of the
system dynamics simulation technique and/or related modeling
methodologies, such as nonlinear dynamics, control theory, computer
simulation or agent-based modeling, as well as research interests
relevant to the management and/or behavioral sciences. Duties will
include research and teaching at the graduate and undergraduate
levels. System dynamics at Sloan is closely affiliated with both the
management sciences and organization studies. Applicants whose
substantive research interests are interdisciplinary are particularly
invited to apply, including applicants whose research involves the
social and behavioral sciences. We especially want to identify
qualified female and minority candidates for consideration in this

Applicants should possess or be close to completion of a PhD in system
dynamics or a relevant field by the start date of
employment. Applicants must submit: 1) an up-to-date CV; 2) up to
three representative publications; 3) a brief statement of objectives
and aspirations in research and education; 4) an official graduate
transcript; 5) information about teaching experience and performance
evaluations; and 6) three letters of recommendation by 21 Oct 14.

Submissions must be submitted via https://sloanfacultysearches.mit.edu/sd/

21.  Asst. Prof - Embodied Cognitive Science, Cog Sci Program, Indiana
    https://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/1006  (due 1 nov 14)

The Cognitive Science Program at Indiana U seeks a tenure track junior
level appointment in the area of embodied cognitive
science. Successful applicants will take a leadership role in the
ongoing development of embodied cognition as a research and teaching
focus of the program.  Indiana U has a strong history in this area,
ranging from theoretical foundations to computational and robotics
modeling, to experimental approaches in developmental psychology and
neuroscience. Although the emphasis of the position is on
computational and/or robotic modeling approaches to problems in
embodied cognition, candidates are expected to engage with the breadth
of experimental programs and philosophical discussion that make up
this interdisciplinary research area.

Applicants should have a PhD in Cognitive Science, Computer Science
or a closely related field and will join the faculty of a department
or school on the Bloomington campus appropriate to their specific
background. Applicants are expected to have a record that demonstrates
an excellent potential in the areas of research and
teaching. Interested candidates should review the application
requirements and submit their applications at

Questions regarding the position or application process can be
directed to Randall Beer, Cognitive Science Search Committee, 819
Eigenmann, 1900 E. 10th St., Indiana U, Bloomington, IN 47406-7512
orcogsrch at indiana.edu.

Review of applications will begin on 1 Nov 14 and will
continue until the position is filled.  Information about the program
and the university is available at http://www.cogs.indiana.edu/.

Olaf Sporns -- @spornslab
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Programs in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
Indiana U
Bloomington, IN 47405

22.  Open Rank Faculty Position, Indiana, School of Informatics & Computing
    http://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/971  due 1 Dec 2014

[I think these are different jobs, both at Indiana U.]

Indiana U
School of Informatics and Computing Bloomington

Open Rank Faculty Position

The School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana U, Bloomington,
invites applications for a position beginning in Fall 2015 in the
Department of Information and Library Science (all subareas). This
position is open at all levels (assistant, associate, or full
professor).  Applications from senior leaders are especially

The Department of Information and Library Science (ILS), formerly the
School of Library and Information Science, has a long, successful
history, having graduated over 8,000 students since it opened its
doors in 1946. In 2013, U.S. News & World Report ranked the
Bloomington Information and Library Science
program http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-library-information-science-programs/library-information-science-ranking
eighth nationally. The School of Informatics and Computing is the
first of its kind and among the largest in the country, with
unsurpassed breadth. Its mission is to excel and lead in education,
research, and outreach spanning and integrating computing and
information technologies. In addition to ILS, the School includes the
Department of Computer Science and Informatics and has a total of over
85 faculty, 900 graduate students, and 1,100 undergraduate majors on
the Bloomington campus.  Faculty research areas include bibliometrics;
big data; computer-mediated communication; data science; digital
libraries; information organization, retrieval, and visualization;
science studies; semantic web, social informatics; text mining; web
science; and more. Graduate degrees offered in the School include
Master's degrees in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Human Computer
Interaction Design, Information Science, Library Science, and Security
Informatics, and PhD degrees in Computer Science, Informatics, and
Information Science. The School is also known for its strong
undergraduate programs.

Basic qualifications: Applicants should have a PhD in a relevant area
(or for junior level, expected before Aug 2015) and an established
record (senior level) or demonstrable potential for excellence in
research and teaching (junior level).

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, statements of research
and teaching, and names of three references (junior level), or six
references (senior level) using the University's online system below
(preferred): http://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/971

or to Faculty Search, SoIC, 919 E 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408.

For full consideration, completed applications must be received by 1 Dec 2014.

Informal and confidential inquiries may be sent to the ILS Chair,
Pnina Fichman, fichman at indiana.edu), or to any of the members of the
search committee: Katy Borner (katy at indiana.edu), Susan Herring
(herring at indiana.edu), Howard Rosenbaum (hrosenbau at indiana.edu).


23.  Full Prof for Applied Cog Psych, U of Ulm (due: 3 Oct 2014)

The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science is seeking a Full
Professor for Applied Cognitive Psychology (W3 mit Leitungsfunktion)
for an immediate start.  The successful candidate is expected to
represent the field of applied cognitive psychology through research
and teaching. This topic is closely connected to other themes
currently present at the university and will help to further
strengthen the interdisciplinary nature and applied orientation of the
Institute of Psychology and Education within the Faculty of
Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology.

The candidate should have a profound research history concerning human
information- processing aspects (attention, decision making, planning,
deductive reasoning) in the context of human-technology interaction
using an experimental and quantitative research approach. He or she
should further be open to incorporating cognitive modelling in her or
his empirical research and thus support the interdisciplinary research
topic of the faculty "cognitive systems and human-machine
interaction". Possibilities for cooperation are especially foreseen
with the SFB/Transregio 62 project "a companion-technology for
cognitive technical systems" or the research cluster for cooperative,
highly-automated driver assistance and driving functions (f3) - both
are located within the faculty.

Teaching shall cover the whole range of Applied Cognitive Psychology
topics and provide links to other disciplines, especially computer
science. Contribution to the international and English study program
"cognitive systems" (master level) is central for this position.

Requirements We are looking for candidates who meet the following requirements:

* A publication record in international peer reviewed journals,
* Experience in successfully applying for funding (industrially
  sponsored projects as well as research grants),
* Interest in promoting and further developing the study programs in
  psychology (bachelor- and master level) and cognitive systems and
  contribution to related university administrative processes.

Conditions for appointment are a completed course of studies at a
university, pedagogical aptitude, doctorate and additional academic
achievements (? 47 LHG).

The U of Ulm is committed to increase the share of women in research
and teaching positions and therefore explicitly encourages female
candidates to apply.

You may apply for this position before 3 Oct 2014 by sending the usual
documents all within one pdf-document via E-Mail to the faculty's
dean: in.dekanat at uni-ulm.de. Please use the number 70 as the E-Mail
subject line. Please also fill out and include the following
questionnaire in your documents:

Physically disabled applicants receive favourable consideration when equally qualified.

24. Faculty positions in Computer Science at American U
    http://apply.interfolio.com/25813  (due 3 Nov 2014)

American U, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Computer Science

Computer Science (Assistant, Associate or Full Professor)

The Department of Computer Science in the College of Arts and Sciences
at American U in Washington, DC invites applications for up to 3
tenure-track or tenured Assistant/Associate/Full Professors to form a
collaborating research team. We seek either a group of researchers who
will be hired together, or a senior individual with a vision for
filling the other positions.

The team's research expertise may be in any area of computer
science. Following the department's strong recent hires in the
interdisciplinary areas of computational neuroscience and persuasive
gaming, the university seeks to build computer science's core program
areas, which may include algorithms and data structures, architecture,
robotics, databases and information retrieval, human-computer
interactions, numerical and symbolic computation, operating systems,
programming languages, or software methodology and
engineering. Preference will be given to teams or visions that
contribute to more than one of the core program areas, and that
contribute to the university's capacity in the area of big data.

The Computer Science Department is currently in a period of expansion,
and is poised to become a leader in the university's technology an
innovation sectors. To support this trajectory, the department will
soon be moving to a new building that is designed to promote
inspiration, collaboration, creation and cultivation.


All applicants should have a strong record of (or potential for)
externally sponsored research. We are especially eager to recruit
candidates with established research partnerships (or the ability to
form such partnerships) in the Washington, DC area. Candidates should
also have a record of excellence in teaching and mentoring
students. Teaching responsibilities will include core courses in
computer science and more advanced courses in the applicant's area of
specialty. The PhD in Computer Science or a closely related field is
required; post-doctoral or industry experience is preferred.

At least one appointment will be at a senior level with
tenure. Preference will be given to senior candidates who are able and
willing to lead the department, including (but not limited to) the
development of a PhD granting program.


Applicants should include a statement (a joint statement for team
applications) of research outlining the research focus (or foci) and
future plans for developing a nationally competitive, externally
funded research program at American U. In addition to a (joint, if
applicable) research statement, each applicant should include
statements of individual research and teaching experience, a CV, and
the names of three references not in the proposed team. Please submit
applications via: http://apply.interfolio.com/25813. Review of
applications will begin 3 Nov and continue until the position is

From: Mark Laubach <mark.laubach at american.edu>

25.  Faculty Position in Comp Games & Virt Worlds @Concordia U. (due 1 dec 14)

Concordia U.
Computer Science and Software Eng
Tenure Track Position in Computer Games and Virtual Worlds

The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (ENCS) at Concordia
University in Montreal, Quebec, invites applications for a
tenure-track strategic hire position in the area of Computer Games and
Virtual Worlds for appointment in the Department of Computer Science
and Software Engineering (CSE). The CSE department has an active
research group in 3D Graphics in addition to a highly popular Computer
Games degree option at the undergraduate level. The goal of the
strategic hire program is to augment existing research capacity in the
department through high profile interdisciplinary research in
collaboration with members of Concordia,s Technoculture, Art and Games
Research Centre (TAG). The successful candidate will receive an
attractive research support and teaching package. For additional
information about ENCS, CSE and TAG see www.encs.concordia.ca,
www.cse.concordia.ca and www.tag.hexagram.ca.

Applicants must have a PhD in computer science, software engineering
or computer engineering or a related area and also possess research
and development expertise in the area of computer games, 3D graphics
and virtual worlds. A successful candidate is expected to provide
academic leadership, establish a strong externally funded research
program, demonstrated abilities to work in collaborative
multidisciplinary settings and teach/develop both undergraduate and
graduate courses. Strong commitment to the supervision of graduate
student research and to excellence in teaching are essential.
Relevant industrial experience is an asset. Excellent communication
skills are required.  Membership or eligibility for membership in a
Canadian professional engineering association, preferably in the
province of Quebec, is required.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent
Residents will be given priority.  Concordia is strongly committed to employment equity
within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff.

Applications should consist of a detailed curriculum vitae, a
statement concerning teaching and research interests, and the names of
at least three referees. This appointment is expected to commence in
the summer of 2015. Review of the applications will begin immediately
and continue until the position is filled. Only short-listed
applicants will be notified. Electronic applications are preferred and
should be sent no later than 1 Dec 2014 to:

  Dr. Sudhir Mudur, Chair
  Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
  mudur at cse.concordia.ca

26.  NIH-Wide Stadtman Tenure-Track Recruitment (30 sep 2015, annual?)

The National Institutes of Health is now accepting applications for
tenure-track positions through the Earl Stadtman recruitment
mechanism.  Details are available here:


Sean Davis <sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov>

27.  Junior professorship to work in Germany, due 1 sep 14 and 1 sep 15?

[date has passed, but appears to be annual]

Submit an application if you are a successful top-rank junior
researcher from abroad, only completed your doctorate with distinction
in the last six years, and have published work in prestigious
international journals or publishing houses. The Sofja Kovalevskaja
Award allows you to spend five years building up a working group and
working on a high-profile, innovative research project of your own
choice at a research institution of your own choice in Germany.

Scientists and scholars from all disciplines may apply directly to the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The Humboldt Foundation plans to
grant up to eight Sofja Kovalevskaja Awards. The award is valued at up
to 1.65 million EUR.

The application submission deadline is 1 sep 14. The selection is
scheduled for March 2015.
Dear Sir or Madam,

With the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation is offering promising young researchers from all over the
world attractive career prospects in Germany. Junior research talents
of all disciplines from abroad are given the opportunity to establish
working groups of their own at German research institutions.

The Sofja Kovalevskaja Award recognises outstanding talent and
creative research approaches with exceptional conditions: With
an award amount of up to 1.65 million EUR each winner receives
valuable starting capital to spend five years pursuing an innovative
research project at a research institute of his or her choice -
untroubled by administrative constraints. In addition, the
establishment of their own junior research team enables the award
winners to lay an important foundation for a promising academic career
at a very early stage. Eight awards are expected to be granted. The
programme is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Outstandingly qualified junior academics of all disciplines from
abroad who completed their doctorate less than six years ago are
eligible to apply for the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award. It is also
possible to submit applications immediately after finishing one's
doctoral studies. Applications must be submitted by 1 Sep 2014.

We should be grateful if you could support us in looking for suitable
international research talents by disseminating this announcement at
your institution. Also, we should very much appreciate if you could
request further colleagues to draw the attention of suitably talented
junior researchers to this academic award.

Details of the application procedure for the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award
can be found on our website at:
http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/skp_en . For individual questions,
you are also welcome to contact info at avh.de.

Thank you very much in advance for your support.
Sincerely yours,

Georg Scholl

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Department Strategy and External Relations
Division Press, Communications and Marketing
Head of division

28. Post-doctoral fellow in computational cognitive modeling, Wright State
    http://jobs.wright.edu/postings/8101 (reviewed from 22 sep 14)

The Department of Psychology at Wright State U seeks
applicants for a position of Postdoctoral Fellow in computational
cognitive modeling to begin on Oct 1st 2014 or soon
thereafter. Candidates must have a PhD in Cognitive Science,
Computer Science, or a related discipline with training in
computational cognitive modeling.

Candidates must be actively engaged in a research program that uses
computational cognitive modeling as its core methodology. Preference
will be given to candidates who are conversant in at least one of the
major cognitive architectures (e.g., ACT-R, Soar, EPIC).

The post-doctoral fellow will be involved in a research project funded
by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research aiming to develop a
comprehensive theory of trust dynamics. The fellow will be part of a
research team including the Principal Investigator, Dr. Ion Juvina,
graduate students, and researchers at the Air Force Research

The Department of Psychology is housed in the College of Science and
Mathematics, offers a PhD in Human Factors and I/O Psychology, and has
3 undergraduate concentration areas: (1) Cognition and Perception, (2)
Industrial/ Organizational, and (3) Behavioral Neuroscience. Wright
State U was recently ranked among the "Best in the Midwest"
universities by The Princeton Review, listed among 260 Best National
Universities in the annual "America's Best Colleges" rankings by
U.S. News and World Report, and ranked fourth nationally among
universities with limited numbers of doctoral programs in the Faculty
Scholarly Productivity Index.

For more information on this position contact Prof. Ion Juvina at
ion.juvina at wright.edu. Applicants should
visit the following link to upload CV and statement of research:
http://jobs.wright.edu/postings/8101. In addition, please have three
letters of reference sent directly to Ion Juvina, PhD, Assistant
Professor, Department of Psychology, 313G Fawcett Hall, 3640 Colonel
Glenn Hwy, Wright State U, Dayton, OH 45435.

Review of complete applications will begin 22 Sep 14, and continue
until the position is filled.

29.  3 year postdoc in London, modelling bee brains
    http://www.jobs.qmul.ac.uk/5111 (due 9 oct 14)

We have a 3-year postdoc position (HFSP funded) to work on a project
entitled: "A neural circuit approach to cognition and its limits in
microbrains". The postdoctoral fellow will focus on building
computational models of the bee visual system and higher-level brain
centres. See here:


Informal inquiries can be sent to l.chittka at qmul.ac.uk

Lars Chittka, PhD, MSc
Professor in Sensory & Behavioural Ecology     *44 (0) 20 7882 3043
School of Biological & Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary, U of London, UK

30.  Junior position in Cognitive Science research group at ETS

[this process is fairly far along, but shows an application and
ongoing location for cognitive modeling]

I'm currently recruiting for a junior position in the Cognitive
Science research group at ETS - someone about 0-2 years post-PhD.  I'm
particularly interested in folks with good cognitive task analysis and
cognitive modeling skills, who are interested in issues of student
learning and assessment.  Programming skills, especially prototyping,
are a strong plus.  Please see the job description at
http://bit.ly/ETS2014-Cognitive-Scientist for more information.

  Irvin R. Katz, PhD     ikatz at ETS.ORG   609-734-5150
  Director, Cognitive Sciences Group
  Educational Testing Service
  Princeton, NJ  08541

31.  Research Scientist Computational Neuroscience Position in Toronto
    (due 19 Oct 14)

The Toronto Western Research Institute of the University Health
Network invites applicants to apply for a Scientist position in the
area of Computational Neuroscience.

The ideal candidate will have a PhD in a relevant field, have research
experience and expertise in mathematical and computational modeling
techniques, and research interests that complement those of the
Institute in "Degenerative Disorders of Aging". Candidates whose
research interests encompass modeling at multiple levels (molecular,
cellular, network, systems), and who have experimental and/or
collaborative experimental experience are especially encouraged.

The successful candidate will have the ability to establish an
independent, well-funded program and will be eligible for appointment
at the appropriate level within the U of Toronto.

Applications must be emailed by 19 Oct 2014 and should include:

  1) CV,
  2) Statement of research interests, and
  3) Contact information (including email) for 3 referees

Reply, by email only, and in confidence to:
TWRIrecruitment at uhnresearch.ca with subject line: CompNeuro

University Health Network thanks all applicants, however, only those
selected for an interview will be contacted.
[this is a lamentable practice that appears to arise when resources are
not available]

Frances Skinner, PhD   frances.skinner at gmail.com
TWRI/UHN and Univ Toronto

32.  PhD position in computational modelling at Max Planck/Leipzig
    http://www.o-brain-project.de     (until filled)

The Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Leipzig and the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1052 "Obesity
mechanisms" at the Leipzig U Hospital are offering a PhD studentship
in computational modelling. Within the project, computational
modelling is used to investigate leaning and decision-making in
humans. The project is aimed at the multi-modal integration of
available and newly acquired behavioral, structural/functional
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), PET and genetic data towards
comprehensive computational and neurocognitive models of cognitive
control over behavior.

Work will be carried out at the Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig under the supervision of Dr Jane
Neumann and Dr Annette Horstmann. Both Leipzig's long tradition in
conducting neuroscientific research and the ultra-modern equipment at
the Max Planck Institute provide an environment that offers new
perspectives in neuroimaging research. Further, the position will be
part of the CRCs Integrated Research Training Group. This graduate
program offers interdisciplinary qualification in various research
methods and transferable skills, and provides support in career
planning and in establishing an own scientific network.

Applicants should hold a Master's degree (or equivalent) in one of the
following disciplines: computational or cognitive neuroscience,
computer science, maths, psychology, biology, cognitive science or
related. Prior experience in the fields of computational neuroscience
and/or neuroimaging are of great advantage. Sound knowledge of
statistics and excellent programming skills are essential. A good
command of written and spoken English is requested of all applicants.

Please send your application as a single pdf-file to
neumann at cbs.mpg.de referring to 'Modelling SFB 1052'. Complete
applications include cover letter, CV, letter(s) of recommendation,
and copies of university degrees and additional certificates.

Informal enquiries should be made to Dr Jane Neumann (+49 (0) 341 99
40 26 21). For meeting Dr. Neumann and Dr. Horstmann at OHBM 2014,
please send an email to neumann at cbs.mpg.de or horstmann at cbs.mpg.de
including days and times when you are available during the conference.

The salary is based on the German E 13 TV-L salary scale. In order to
increase the proportion of female staff members, applications from
female scientists are particularly encouraged. Disabled applicants are
preferred if qualification is equal.

Deadline for application: until position is filled

Further details about the project can also be found at

33.  KTP associate post-doc in workload for rail control

I would like to bring your attention to a post-doc position in
workload modelling. This is a TSB KTP associate position, between the
U of Nottingham and TRE (The Railway Engineering company). The post
will be based in Bradford on Avon, near Bath.

We are looking for post-docs with knowledge of cognitive psychology /
human factors / HCI in a topic such as workload, SA, vigilance etc.
and ideally with some experience of a control domain - it could be
rail, but could be ATC, process control, power etc.

If you are aware of people who have recently completed, or are in the
process of finishing up, we would be happy to receive an
application. I would also be happy to answer any informal queries.

Further details and application process is available at
http://jobs.nottingham.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?id=2328&forced=1. (NB the
location is Bradford on Avon, not Nottingham as currently stated on
the vacancy listing).

Dr David Golightly CPsychol   David.Golightly at nottingham.ac.uk
Senior Researcher in Human Factors
Human Factors Research Group
Faculty of Engineering
U of Nottingham, England

34.  Web Developer for Databrary.org [until filled]

About Databrary

Databrary is a first-of-its-kind web-based data library where
scientists who collect and analyze video can store and share their
data openly with other researchers. The project is based at New York
University (NYU) and Penn State. It has grant support from the
U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of
Health (NIH). The overall goal is to accelerate the pace of discovery,
improve scientific transparency and accountability, and transform
research practices in psychology and developmental science. We are
growing a team to design and build new open source solutions for
science using the latest technologies.

Web Developer position description

The Databrary project seeks a motivated and flexible developer to help
build a unique web-based data library. You will work with users and a
small group of developers to design and build the front end UI and
back end tools to enable behavioral researchers to collaborate, store,
explore, and access research datasets in ways not possible with any
existing tool.

The ideal candidate will relish the challenge of building a uniquely
powerful set of research tools while working on a small team in a
diverse and intellectually stimulating academic environment.

  - Implement dynamic, modular, and responsive web interfaces to
    organize, present, and manipulate research materials.
  - Design, implement, test, and validate JavaScript across browsers and platforms.
  - Integrate feedback from UI experts and researchers (users) to
    identify and prioritize new features.
  - Learn, understand, and reorganize research data as needed for
    better integration with the site.

  - Background in CS or other relevant field and 3+ years programming experience.
  - Knowledge of AngularJS or other modern web application frameworks.
  - Extensive experience with jQuery, JSON, HTML5, and CSS3.
  - Familiarity with standard UNIX development tools such as git.
  - Understanding of security and ethical concerns around sensitive data.

  - History of contributions to open source projects.
  - Comfortable with discussing and addressing UX/UI design issues.
  - Experience using RESTful interfaces for structured data.
  - Sensitive to performance considerations building big data interfaces.
  - Basic understanding of scientific practices and research tools,
      such as Matlab, SPSS, or R.

To apply send the following to jobs at databrary.org:
	- One page cover letter (PDF).
	- Resume (PDF).
	- Links to your open source contributions or other samples of your work

It will stay open until the position is filled.

35.  Cognitive Robotics Job, Army Res. Lab (until filled)

We have an opportunity here to bring a new employee in to work directly on
my Cognitive Robotics Program (SS-RICS) and with our network science team as
a contractor here at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. We are looking for
someone that has a strong C++, C# programming experience as well as a
background in the use of cognitive architectures.

The timeline is very tight.  We are interviewing people over the next
few weeks and will make a decision probably in the next month.  This
is a contractor position (DCS incorporated) and the job is located
here at Aberdeen MD.  The job is for a U.S. Citizen and requires a
secret clearance.  Already having a secret clearance would be a big

Troy D. Kelley           Note new email: troy.d.kelley6.civ at mail.mil
Cognitive Robotics and Modeling Team Leader
Human Research and Engineering Directorate
US Army Research Laboratory
Aberdeen, MD
Phone 410-278-5869 or 410-278-6748

Footnote: all employment ads had diversity statements

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