[ACT-R-users] ISO a doctoral student for Fall 2014

Gray, Wayne grayw at rpi.edu
Fri Nov 7 08:15:54 EST 2014


Greetings. I looking for a new doctoral student next fall -- someone who is interested in our program of research and modeling of "immediate interactive behavior" and who would enjoy mastering the intricacies of eye data collection, analysis, etc (e.g., see the R package created by my student Ryan Hope: http://ryanhope.github.io/gazetools/ ). The student should have strong quantitative and computational skills (please have them look at my discussion of this at: http://homepages.rpi.edu/~grayw/ISO.html ).

The lab is currently having fun attempting to bring cognitive and machine learning modeling to undiscover the secrets of extreme expertise in immediate interactive behavior in dynamic task environments such as Tetris™.  We also have an interesting data visualization project for which we will be recruiting expert level "League of Legend" players.

For a general sense of the lab's direction please send your students to:  http://homepages.rpi.edu/~grayw/grayres/

For the slides and links to videos from my recent talk at Universität Tübingen on the Extreme Expertise project:

Many thanks,


Wayne D. Gray
Professor of Cognitive Science &
Professor of Computer Science &
Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Carnegie Building (rm 108) ;;for all surface mail & deliveries
110 8th St.; Troy, NY 12180

EMAIL: grayw at rpi.edu<mailto:grayw at rpi.edu>, Office: 518-276-3315

for general information see: http://www.rpi.edu/~grayw/
for On-Line publications see: http://www.rpi.edu/~grayw/pubs/
for the CogWorks Lab see: http://www.cogsci.rpi.edu/cogworks/

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