[ACT-R-users] Inter-subject variability in declarative memory

David Reitter reitter at cmu.edu
Wed Jul 11 15:34:41 EDT 2012

Most ACT-R models seem to assume a "standard mind", an average cognitive system, with the same (global) parameters set for each simulated subject.  Particularly, the base-level decay parameter alpha (:bll) is not one to mess with - modelers usually leave it at 0.5.

That said, humans differ in their memory abilities.  

I am interested in any empirical and modeling work that explores the distribution of declarative memory parameters (such as alpha and the rather model-dependent base-level constant).  Can we assume a normal distribution around alpha=0.5?  How wide is it?

Much work has been done on short-term and working-memory capacity.  However, if you are aware of work relating ACT-R with its integrated perspective on short-term and long-term memory and inter-subject variability, please let me know.  If I get a lot of answers, I will post a summary here.


Dr. David Reitter
Research Psychologist, Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University
08/2012: Assistant Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University

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