[ACT-R-users] Motor error in manual module?

Bonnie John bej at cs.cmu.edu
Thu Feb 3 15:33:13 EST 2011

I didn't account for or even really explain errors in my thesis - I just 
said those (hitting the key next to the one you want) would probably be 
in the motor system. However, you will find a citation to better 
references about what proportion of errors are inclusion (usually the 
key next to what was being pressed, short inter-key time) and omission 
errors (usually not pressing the key hard enough, long inter-key time).

This does remind me of the work done at Google and NASA Ames modeling 
errors in clicking on tabs in Firefox. They estimated pointing errors. 
It was CORE, not ACT-R, but it might help you.

Knight, A., Pyrzak, G., & Green, C. (2007). When two methods are better 
than one: Combining user study with cognitive modeling. In M.B. Rosson 
and D.J. Gilmore (Eds.): Extended Abstracts of the 2007 Conference on 
Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2007, (pp. 1783-1788). San Jose, 

On 2/1/11 6:25 PM, Wayne Gray wrote:
> Tim,
> You do know Bonnie's thesis work?
> John, B. E. (1996). TYPIST:  A theory of performance in skilled typing. Human-Computer Interaction, 11(4), 321–355.
> It is not an ACTR paper but, as discussed a few months ago, we do not have an ACTR model that does typing and without such a model it would be hard to model errors.
> Good luck
> Wayne
> On Feb 1, 2011, at 17:09, Tim Halverson wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Does anyone know of any efforts to model keyboard typos resulting from error in manual motor movements in ACT-R?
>> In a set of data I am currently modeling, participants are punching the wrong key in about 3% of the trials, and in the majority of these cases they are (presumably) accidentally punching an adjacent key. I do not need a high-fidelity account of such errors, but I do not want to ignore these errors. Any pointers to previous ACT-R models, or other models, that account for such errors would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim Halverson
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